Charming, CA

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Two Years Later

I stood in the front of the bathroom mirror trying to cover the latest bruise, something I was kind of an expert at by now. This was my life now, living in Charming, with my angry old man, working at a porn studio once or twice a week depending on how Happy was feeling. I looked at my roots it was time for a touch up I had dyed my hair blonde just over and year ago and it seemed like when I did Happy was much nicer. So I dealt with it, it was better than the alternative my arm had just come out of a cast last month when it was broken in two places because I tried to leave again.

 I was so tired, tired of fighting when it was no way out. I should have never come back from Massachusetts, but I couldn't dwell on that. Once I finished my make up, I was getting ready to head to Cara Cara, when my phone rang.


"Hey sis." Jax said through the phone

He didn't know about Happy hitting me, Happy never snapped in front of the club he always waited until we were behind closed doors. I ended up having some sort of 'accident'

"Hey Jax." I said

"Are you ok? You sound sick."

"No, I'm fine tired, what's up? Are you back from Nevada?" I asked as I poured some coffee

"We're leaving soon but I need to tell you something."


"I got married." He said and choked on my coffee, I heard him chuckle

"Are you ok G?"

"Please tell me you're joking." I said

"Her name is Wendi; we've been hanging out for a while."

"And so, you decided to marry her?! Have you lost your mind Jackson!"

"You sound like mom."

"She's going to kill you, you know, that right? This is nothing compared to the wrath of Gemma Teller."

"You're going to have my back, right?"

"Jax," I sighed

"G please."

"How did you meet her?" I said he was quiet

"Tell me the truth." I said

"She's a club hang around."

"Oh, this just keeps getting better and better. what do you want me to do? Gemma doesn't listen to me."

"G." He said, and I knew that tone he nervous

"Alright call me once you're in Lodi and I'll meet you at T-M. now I have to go work." I said

"Thanks G I love you."

"Yeah I know." I said then we hung up. I tried to wrap my head around this why would he marry a croweater?

"Oh god I hope she's not pregnant." I said to myself shaking my head Jax has been a mess ever since Tara left even though he would never admit it

I parked in front of T-M as I waited in my car for Jax and his 'wife' to get here, they pulled into the lot about 15 minutes later. I got out and walked over Bobby gave me a hug and we shared a look, we knew Jax was lost but there was nothing anyone could say to fix him.

"What happened?" I said in his ear

"He disappeared for a while and came back with Wendi, Wendi with an I by the way."

"Oh my God." I said forcing a smile as Jax came over with Wendi with an I tucked under his arm

"Hey sis."

"Jax, you must be Wendi I'm- "

"Gigi, I know, Jax told me a lot about you." She said smiling at him

"I wish I could say same."

"It was a spur of the moment kind of thing." She said smiling at Jax

"Oh, I know trust me, Gemma's inside." I said to them and Jax smirked and wrapped his other arm around me and led us inside to face the wrath of Gemma Teller

"So that wasn't so bad." Jax said sitting across from me I sat at a table in the clubhouse

"Really? Because I knew mom could cuss better than a sailor but that" I teased and he laughed


"What's going on Jax?' I asked him and he shrugged

"I know things have been crazy with Ope gone, and we haven't had much time to talk like we use to but what made you do this?"

"I've been single for a while now, I thought it was time to settle down, start a family." He said glancing at her and my jaw dropped

"Is she pregnant?" I said and he laughed then shook his head

"No G she's not."

"Then what's going on? Because she's all wrong for you Jax."

"Just give her a chance Gigi please."

"This is going to end badly, Jax. She really loves you, you can see it in her eyes, and I look into yours and I can tell you only kind of like her."

"We can make it work, why don't you take her shopping with you this week? She needs some new clothes she didn't bring much." He said and I looked over and eyed the mini skirt she was wearing

"Hey let's go." Happy said coming over he looked at Jax then at me

"I'll call you tomorrow and we'll set up a time." I said he nodded, and we stood he pulled me in for a hug

"Thanks G." He said then kissed my cheek then gave Happy a man hug then he walked over to the bar and kissed Wendi

"Come on." He said practically yanking me out of the bar

We got home and I was going to take a shower when he spoke up

"What are you planning with Jax?"

"Nothing big he wants me to go shopping with Wendi,"


"Ok?" I said surprised he usually got pissed when I plan anything without asking him

"Yeah ok, I'll give you some money before I leave tomorrow." He said I thought maybe he had a brain transplant because he was the cheapest guy on the planet

"Thank you." I said and he walked over and rubbed the bruise on my jaw then he kissed me, I wanted to push him away but I knew how that went so I wrapped my arms around his neck as he picked me up and carried me to the bed..

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