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TW: Abuse

I was making coffee as I got ready for work, I kept checking my phone no calls or texts. Happy didn't come home last night, I've been calling him since yesterday but nothing. The next thing I know the front door opened and Happy walked in

"Good morning." I said then I went to fill my thermos with coffee, I had to leave now or I was going to be late. He walked past me and I could smell the cheap perfume, and alcohol on him.

"Where were you last night?" I asked but he didn't answer he just poured himself a cup of coffee

"Are you ignoring me now?"

"G don't start." He said and I rolled my eyes

"Whatever if your going to act like this, you can stay at the clubhouse tonight too." I said grabbing my work bag

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" He said and I looked at him

"What are you talking about?" I asked him and he looked at me with so much anger and I really didn't know where it was coming from. He pushed past me and I touched his arm


He cut me off when he grabbed me and slammed me into the wall, mand he hand went around my throat, I grabbed his hand and I tried to pull it away but he squeezed


"Shut the fuck up!" He said pushing me back into the wall then he let go and coughed and tried to catch my breath, as I heard a door slam. I got up and grabbed my stuff and rushed out of the house.

I got in my car and I cried he's never put his hands on me before, but I could still feel his hands on my neck and he that look in his eyes, and I knew why people feared him. After about ten minutes I calmed myself down enough to drive, by the time I got into the city my anxiety had went down and I was able to walk into work like normal.

"Hey you're late." My assistant Erin said as I walked off the elevator

"Yeah I know, traffic." I said

"Your 10'o clock is here already." She said and I frowned

"I don't remember scheduling a 10'o clock today and it's only 9:45."

"Well it's on your schedule, I've already let him in your office, I can go in first and tell him you need to reschedule."

"No, no it's fine." I said and I walked into my office to see Tony sitting behind my desk, with a pair of sunglasses on

"Hungover?" I asked as he sat up

"Just a little bit."

"What are you doing here?' I asked putting my bag on the desk

"I'm hungry, you want to go to breakfast?" He asked

"Tony I told you I'm seeing someone."

"I know but we're friends right? I'm hungry, you're hungry my treat."

"Tony I'm at work."

"And I've booked this appointment for an hour plenty of time."

"You hacked my system." I said looking at him

"No I didn't. J.A.R.V.I.S did." He said and I rolled my eyes

"Order in, we can eat in here while I try to get some work done." I said and he nodded with a smirk and pulled out his phone

"Get out of my seat." I said pushing him he stood then pulled off his glasses

"What's that?" He asked pointing at my neck, I brought my hand up and covered my neck. I pulled out my compact mirror and I looked at my neck there was some light bruising forming

"Nothing." I said

"Bullshit, did this guy hit you? Who is he?"

"No he didn't I just-"

"You what choked yourself?"

"No, I just-. You know what I can't do breakfast today."

"Gianna, you don't have to deal with this you can leave."

"Nothing happened! Just please leave Tony I have real work to do." I said and he looked at me I couldn't look him in the eye, I can't face that pity

"Ok but just know I meant what I said yesterday, you can always call me. Gianna I just want you to be safe."

"I'm fine Tony." I said

"Alright but like I said call me, and there will always be a place for you a Stark Industries if you need it." He said and I shook my head

"Can you please just go?" I said sitting at my desk, I could feel him looking at me

"I'm going, but I mean it you can leave, call me and I'll be on the first thing smoking." He said then he walked out shutting the door behind him. I buried my face in my hands and tried to calm myself down I didn't need to have another break down at work


I fucked up, I knew that once the I heard the front door slam, as Gianna left the house. I didn't mean it, but I'm pissed. As my old lady she's supposed to be there when I fucking call, and I needed her yesterday but he was fucking around with that rich guy. I didn't mean to hurt her but she pisses me the fuck off sometimes. I was trying to calm down when my phone rang

"What?" I growled into the phone

"Is that anyway to speak to your mother?" She said and I ran a hand down my face

"I'm sorry ma."

"What's wrong?" She asked

"Nothing, how was your doctors appointment?"

"It was fine."

"How was it for real? or do I need to call aunt Liz?"

"I'm in for a long road but I'm going to beat this son." She said

She called me two days ago and told her they found out she had stage two breast cancer. Today was her first appointment with the cancer doctor

"I know you will, I'll be down this weekend for your surgery."

"I'll be happy to see you, is Gianna coming with you?" She asked and I shook my head even thought she couldn't see me. It was obvious that we needed space so I was going to take it

"No she has some work thing."

"That's a shame I really wanted to see her."

"Yeah I'll tell her, look ma I got to go I'll call you later." I said and hung up before she could say anything else. I got up and packed my backpack and called Lee and told him I would be going to Bakersfield early, and I got on my bike and took off.

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