I Got You

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We made it to the hotel, then Kayla went out and bought me a sweatsuit and some food, just to put something on my stomach, and some Tylenol for the pain and some pads as the bleeding started signaling the end of my baby's life

"I know Tylenol isn't much but it's something."

"It's fine, I'll get to a doctor tomorrow."

"You should try to eat," She said

"Thank you for this."

"Stop thanking me, I'm here for you."

"You know they're going to come for you right?'

"I'm not afraid of them, you needed me and I'm here don't worry about anything else." She said and I nodded then I ate the burger she brought then I ended up dozing off


I needed serious back-up so instead of Happy I brought Rhodey, I told him to keep the car running while I went in the get Gianna. A part of me broke when she called me crying, she sounded so helpless, and defeated. I hopped on my jet and got here as fast as I could but I really wanted to kill the guy who did this to her. I was never able to get those bruises out of my mind from that day in Seattle, I should've put my foot down right then and there but Gianna was one of the most stubborn women in the world.

I made it up to the room and I knocked

"Who is it?"


The door cracked open and a girl peaked out

"I'm alone, my security is downstairs." I told her and she shut the door and I heard the chain being removed then it opened

"Hi, I'm Kayla." She said holding out her hand and I shook it

"Tony, is she ok?"

"No, she has a long way to go before she'll be ok again." She said

"You should know, she just left the hospital, she still has some serious untreated injuries so if you- "

"I'll take care of her." I said instantly and she nodded then led me into the living area, where Gianna was curled up on the couch. When she looked up at me I felt like I had been punched in the chest. She had a black eye forming on the left side, her nose was bruised very badly I would be surprised if it wasn't broken, but it was the lost look in her eyes that got me. Those blue eyes were always sparkling and full of life, to see her like this I felt gutted. I walked over and kneeled in front of her and took her hand in mine. She looked into my eyes and I saw tears again , just pulled her into my arms and I felt the tears fall

"I'm here I got you, it's going to be ok." I said in her ear

We sat on the jet she was asleep with her head in my lap and ran my fingers through her hair, as I admired her beauty, even with all the bruises she was still so gorgeous.

"You really like her." Rhodey said with a smirk I rolled my eyes

"You've met her before what's not to like."

"You know what I mean, I've never seen you like this before Tony."

"I don't know what your talking about."

"Sure, but just know I like this side of you, she would be good for you."

"Shut up." I said to him and he chuckled and I looked back at the women who haunted my dreams but there was no way she was too good for me. She didn't need another loser, she needed to be loved by someone who knows how, and that's not me.



I was feeling better after being in New York for a few days, going through the miscarriage was the most painful part. I know I wasn't planning on going through with the pregnancy but it still hurt as this baby who was still apart of me was gone. Tony has been very patient and helpful, and his small circle of friends have been very welcoming. Pepper was with me when I went back to the hospital, and has been checking on my everyday since.

I walked out of the room I was staying and into the living where Tony and Rhodey were

"Hey little one." Rhodey said and I smiled

"Hey." I said walking over and sitting with them

"How are you feeling?" Tony asked

"I'm fine, what are you guys working on?"

"I'm working he's bothering me." Tony said pointing at Rhodey who rolled his eyes I chuckled

"I hate to ask but I need a favor." I said

"Don't be afraid to ask me for anything." He said with a small smile with I returned

"I want to call my brother, he didn't know about all of this I just want him to know I'm safe."

"Go ahead you don't need to ask me that."

"Well I want to play it safe, so it's not able to be traced."

"Here." Rhodey said handing me his phone

"It's a military phone, it can only be traced by the military in emergencies."

"Thank you Rhodey." I said taking the phone and I walked into the kitchen to I could have a little privacy, and I dialed Jax's number


"Hey can you talk?' I asked him

"Hold on." He said I heard some noise in the background I assumed he was at the clubhouse

"Hey are you ok?" He asked

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm resting."

"Good G why didn't you tell me?"

"Because according the old lady law I was supposed to just deal with it."

"Fuck that you're not just some old lady! You're my sister, and you should've never went through that."

"Is he still there?" I asked

"Yeah he's still in and out with the nomads. I wanted that fucker gone but-"

"It's a personal problem between a old man and his old lady." I finished and he sighed

"Yeah I've been rethinking some shit about this club, things need to change." He said

"Jax don't cause problems because of me, I'm fine but I'm not coming back I can't."

"It's ok I get it. So you won't tell me where you are?"

"It's better if I don't, I know Gemma's been on you."

"Yeah I think she knows you were going to call me eventually."

"I just wanted you to know I was safe."

"I'm glad."

"Make sure they don't bother Kayla."

"They won't." He said firmly

"Thanks Jax,"

"Anytime I love you G."

"I love you too Jax." I said then we hung up and for the first time in years I was feeling hopeful

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