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After that admission you could hear a pin drop, once you got tatted it stayed there forever, unless you betrayed the club and they made you remove it but I've never heard of an old lady removing her tattoo

'Gianna you didn't." My mom said shaking her head

"I did after he broke me! After he killed my baby! I couldn't live like that anymore. So yes I got it removed I don't belong to you anymore." I said to him and then I looked at my mom. 

'Or you. And for the record I am dating Tony Stark we're not just fucking unlike you." I snapped at Rachel, I walked over to Jax and kissed Abel's head. Happy took a step towards me but Chibs, and Opie stopped him

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Gianna don't leave, you put all of this together." Luann said

"No I think I've ruffled more than a few feathers tonight but don't worry folks I'll be here all week." I grabbed my bag and Kayla followed me

"Are you ok?" She asked

"I'm fine it needed to be said, they actually thought there was I chance I would come back." I said and she scoffed

"Look I can come stay with you tonight if you want?"

"No I'm beat I'm going to call Tony and go to bed." I told her and she nodded then hugged me and walked to her car, I unlocked my rental

"You really know how throw throw a party." I heard Opie said and I rolled my eyes and turned to see his family leaving.

"I didn't start that, and you know it, but I am sorry guys." I said looking at the kids.

"They've heard worse." Donna said shaking her head I gave them I hug.

"I want us to get together before I leave, my hotel has this amazing pool you should bring them and we'll make a day out of it,"

"They would love that.: Donna said giving me a hug the front door opened and Happy appeared in the doorway.

"That's my cue." I laughed.

"See you tomorrow.' Opie said and I waved as I pulled out of the driveway.

Once I made it back to my hotel, I tried calling Tony but I didn't get an answer

"Jerk." I said opening the door and I jumped once I saw him sitting on the couch channel surfing.

"All of these channels and there's nothing on, can you believe it?" He asked with a smile I tossed my bag and ran over and jumped on his lap and kissed him.

"Hmm." He moaned as his hands moved under my shirt

"What are you doing here?" I asked pulled away as he kissed down my neck.

"Here to collect my reward, did you know my suit can get me here in less than 30 minutes?" I giggled as his nipped my ear, then I pushed him back.

"Your reward was for when I came home." i said as he stood up and wrapped my legs around his waist 

"Waiting has never been a strong point of mine, speaking of which." He pulled my shirt off then pulled me in for another kiss, he laid me back on the bed and we lost ourselves in each other.


"You need to go." I told Tony as we laid in bed afterwards my head was on his chest and his fingertips were running up and down my spine.

"Wow I come all this way to see you and you're treating me like a booty call."

"That's exactly what this was because you have to work tomorrow."

"In case you forgot I'm the boss and I can do what I want."


"But speaking of bosses, I met the direct of S.H.E.I.L.D." He said and I popped my head up and looked at him.

"What? When? Where? Who is he?'

"His name is Nick Fury, he broke in my house tonight"

"And what did he want?" I asked sitting up holding sheets to my chest.

"To talk about the Avengers."

"The who?'

"This is classified information by the way, if you tell someone I'll deny it." He said and I rolled my eyes

"You secret is safe with me, so who are the Avengers and what does he want?"

"Apparently I'm not the only superhero."

"But you're the best so the rest doesn't count." I said and he looked at me with admiration.

"Kiss me now you goddess." He said and I pecked his lips.

"That's it?" He teased

"Tony come on!" I am hitting his arm lightly

"Ok, ok, ok he want to bring me in on a superhero team called the Avengers."

"He wants to put you on a team. Has he met you?"

"I can work with a team," He grumbled

"Yeah right. Who else is he bringing in?"

"He didn't exactly say but I think they found Captain America."

"Shut up,"

"Yeah I hate that guy." He said with a frown and I laughed

"You've never met him."

"I just know my dad loved him more that me so I hate him."

"Honey you know that's not true."

"You never even met the man, my dad never told me he loved me once but never heard the end of how amazing Steve Rodgers was, I should be more like Steve Rodgers." I leaned over and kissed his head

"I'm sorry maybe he just didn't know how to say it."

"Don't defend him." He pouted

"You know I'm always on your side, so you don't like Captain America, who else his he adding?"

"Some scientist in Brooklyn Banner something, and a couple of his people. They're still screening people I'm just a first round pick. I'm having a hard time hacking his system." 

"Tony that is a government agency!"

"So I've been hacking into the government since high school, but this system they have is nothing like I've ever seen."

"Wow. So, we're really doing this? The hero thing?" I said playing with his fingers 

"As long as you're ok with it." He said and I nodded

"I'm just going to worry you know that, but I know you're doing the right thing." I said and he pulled me in for a long kiss, just then there was a knock at the door we pulled apart

"Did you arrange another booty call?" He asked and I hit his arm

"Shut up." I laughed then got up and pulled on my robe then I went and opened the door and Chibs was there with Happy behind him 

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