Dimension Cognite!

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Raul Comas, trainer of the legendary BC Sol, decided to get one of his bladers that wasn't a legendary blader to get a Sparking bey and beat the legendary bladers. Raul chose Cuza Ackermann. Raul called Cuza into his van and told him that he was going to evolve his Alter Cognite into a Sparking bey. Cuza was very excited. 

After hours of work, Raul and Cuza finally finished. Cuza decided to call his Sparking bey Dimension Cognite. Raul told Cuza to challenge one of the other bladers on BC Sol. Cuza challenged Shasa Guten to battle.

Cuza switched Cognite to attack mode. "3, 2, 1 Let it Rip" Cuza did his signature backflip launch.  "GOO, COGNITE! Warp Launch" Shasa's bey burst immediately. "Wow, what power." Raul came back over and said "I want to to challenge bladers with a higher rank than you so you can make the Legend Festival, you will also need this on your journey." Raul handed Cuza a silver sparking launcher. The Legend Festival is a tournament of the top 20 bladers in 4 groups and the top 2 from each group advance to the quarterfinals. Cuza agreed and wanted to make it. There was only 5 spots remaining since all of the legendary bladers were automatically in the Festival. Cuza is ranked 31st internationally.

The first place Cuza decided to go was to the Snake Pit to challenge 30th ranked Norman Tarver. Cuza yelled for Norman to come out and then challenged him to a battle. Norman agreed and said, "Meet my Upper Noctemis. You'll have to get through it to beat me."

       Who will win? Norman and Noctemis or Cuza and Cognite? 

(This is my first chapter so how did I do?)

Journey through Surge: Cuza AckermannWhere stories live. Discover now