A Fierce Challenger! Cyclone Pulse!

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The second round of tag team battles began. Cuza and Free defeated Aiger and Silas and then Lui and Dante defeated Shu and Wakiya.

Back to the present...

Hanami: It's time for the third battle of the second round! It's Lane Valhalla and Xander Shakadera versus Valt Aoi and Rantaro Kiyama!

Lane: Valt Aoi. After I beat you my flare will grow to it's peak!

Valt: I can't let that happen!

Referee: Tag battle. Ready set.

Lane/Xander/Valt/Rantaro: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Rantaro: Roktavor! Take the center!

Lane: Lucius! Lock up the center with Vex Wall!

*Lucius gets to the center before Roktavor*

Valt: Valtryek! Rush Launch!

*Valtryek attacks Lucius to no effect*

Xander: Time to make our move! XCALIUS! *Xcalius's avatar appears* HEXA-SABER!

Rantaro: ROKTAVOR! *Roktavor's avatar appears* GLIDE TORNADO!

*Roktavor bursts*

Valt: Valtryek! Brave Sword!

*Valtryek knocks Xcalius out of the stadium*

Lane: Lucius!

*Lucius hits Valtryek to the edge of the stadium*

Valt: VALTRYEK! *Valtryek's avatar appears* BRAVE FLASH!

Lane: LUCIUS! *Lucius's avatar appears and flares up* VEX DISASTER!

*Valtryek and Lucius go flying out of the stadium and then*

Hanami: Burst! Burst! That was so close I couldn't even see it!

Referee: Brave Valtryek and Glide Roktavor win!

Hanami: And Valt and Rantaro are the ones to come out on top! Valt now has 3 points and Rantaro has 2!

Valt: Yes!

Lane: Ugh! Ahhh!

Hanami: The fourth battle of the second round is about to begin! In the red corner, it's Ranjiro Kiyama and Phi! And in the blue corner, it's Hyuga Hizashi and Daigo Kurogami!

Referee: Tag battle. Ready set.

Ranjiro/Phi/Hyuga/Daigo: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Ranjiro: Roktavor! Take the center!

Daigo: Hollow Launch!

*Doomscizor attacks Roktavor!

Phi: Phoenix! Knock it out with your Spirit Break!

*Phoenix hits Hyperion to the crater*

Hyuga: HYPERION! *Hyperion's avatar appears and flares up* SUPER STRIKE!

*Phoenix's armor flies up in the air and falls down*

Phi: AHHH! PHOENIX! *Phoenix's avatar appears* SPIRIT CRUSH!

*Hyperion goes up and bursts*

Ranjiro: ROKTAVOR! *Roktavor's avatar appears* SUPER TORNADO!

Daigo: NOW! DOOMSCIZOR! *Doomscizor's avatar appears* HOLLOW UPPER!

*Roktavor knocks Doomscizor out of the stadium*

Referee: Glide Roktavor and Spirit Phoenix win!

Hanami: Ranjiro Kiyama and Phi are the winners! They each now have one point!

Hyuga: Ugh!

Daigo (thinking): I don't have any points, I might not make it.

Hanami: The final battle of the second round is going to begin and the only blader to clinch their spot in the quarterfinals is Valt Aoi with 3 points! In the red corner, it's Hikaru Hizashi and Zac the Sunrise! And in the blue corner, it's Gwyn Reynolds and Delta Zakuro!

Delta: I'll use Demise Devolos.

Referee: Tag battle. Ready set.

Hikaru/Zac/Gwyn/Delta: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Delta: Demise Launch!

Zac: Castle Boost! 

*Zeutron takes the center and Devolos attacks it*

Zac: Zeutron! Castle Counter!

Delta: DEVOLOS! *Devolos's avatar appears* DEMISE UPPER!

Zac: AGAIN ZEUTRON! *Zeutron's avatar appears* CASTLE COUNTER!

*Devolos knocks Zeutron out of the stadium*

Gwyn: Now Genesis! It's your time! Take the center!

Hikaru: HELIOS! *Helios's avatar appears* KOLOSSAL STRIKE!

Gwyn: GENESIS! *Genesis's avatar appears* CYLCONE PULSE!

*Helios hits off the shield and gets knocks out of the stadium*

Referee: Demise Devolos and Cyclone Genesis win!

Hanami: Delta Zakuro and Gwyn Reynolds get the win to finish the second round! Delta has two points and Gwyn has one.

Hikaru (thinking) : I have only one point. How will I be able to advance? 

554 words! Please post below what you think of the chapter! Next chapter will be Round 3 of the Tag Team Battles!

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