Facing Aiger! Shu vs Free!

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The quarterfinal battles were chosen. Dante defeated Rantaro with a burst finish and then Valt faced off against Lui. Valt scored the first point with a ring-out finish and then Lui got a point as well. Valt won with a survivor finish in the end.

Back to the present...

Hanami: It's time for the third battle of the quarterfinals! In the red corner, it's Aiger Akabane! And in the blue corner, it's Cuza Ackermann!

Aiger: I'll be using Infinite Shield!

Cuza: Then I'll use clockwise attack mode!

Referee: Ready set.

Aiger/Cuza: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Cuza: Warp Launch!

Aiger: Take the center Achilles!

*Cognite attacks Achilles*

Aiger: AHH ACHILLES! *Achilles' avatar appears* INFINITE GUARD!

Cuza: GO COGNITE! *Cognite's avatar appears and a white flare surrounds Cuza and Cognite* DIMENSION ATTACK!

*Cognite hits Achilles out of the stadium*

Referee: Dimension Cognite gets one point with a ring-out finish. Cuza Ackermann gets one point.

Lane: This is interesting! *Purple flare surrounds Lane*

Valt: He's got flare?

Hanami: Wow! Cuza Ackermann takes the first point over Aiger Akabane! Will he keep it up and win the match or will Aiger make a comeback?

Aiger: That won't happen again!

Cuza: I'm gonna win this one!

Aiger: I'm using Infinite Sword!

Cuza: Then I'll use counterclockwise attack mode!

Referee: Ready set.

Aiger/Cuza: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Aiger: Attack it Achilles!

Cuza: Cognite! Warp Launch!

*Achilles and Cognite attack each other*

Aiger: AHH ACHILLES! *Achilles' avatar appears* INFINITE BREAKER!

Cuza: COGNITE! *Cognite's avatar appears and a white flare surrounds Cuza and Cognite* DIMENSION ATTACK!

*Achilles and Cognite clash at equal strength*


*Achilles knocks Cognite out of the stadium*

Referee: Infinite Achilles with a ring-out finish. Aiger Akabane gets one point.

Hanami: And Aiger ties the match at one all! Will this next battle be the deciding one?

Cuza: I'll win this time with clockwise stamina mode!

Referee: Ready set.

Aiger/Cuza: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Aiger: FINISH THEM OFF ACHILLES! *Achilles' avatar appears* INFINITE ATTACK!

Cuza: COGNITE! *Cognite's avatar appears and a white flare surrounds Cuza and Cognite* DIMENSION COUNTER!

*Both beys burst*

Referee: Simultaneous burst finish. Draw.

Hanami: The third battle ends in a draw! This battle is one for the record books!

Journey through Surge: Cuza AckermannWhere stories live. Discover now