Making the Festival! Battling Jet Wyvron!

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Cuza battles against Fubuki Sumiye and wins with a Burst finish on the new stadium called the Speed Storm Stadium. Hikaru battles Ranjiro and wins to clinch his spot in the Legend Festival.

Back to the present...

Cuza was thinking about which Legendary Blader to challenge so he could make it into the festival.

Cuza (thinking): I probably shouldn't challenge any of the top 10 because there is a greater chance that I'll lose. Hmm, I think I'll challenge Wakiya Murasaki.

So Cuza went to Sunbat United in Spain and challenged Wakiya. Wakiya agreed and set up the battle in Sunbat United's arena.

Hanami: In the blue corner, it's the Legend, Wakiya Murasaki! And in the red corner, coming off his win against Fubuki Sumiye, Cuza Ackermann!

Wakiya: Meet my Lightning bey, Jet Wyvron.

Cuza: Nice, but you can't beat my Dimension Cognite.

Cuza (thinking): I'll go with clockwise attack mode.

Referee: First Battle. Ready Set.

Cuza/Wakiya: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Hanami: And they both have powerful Lightning Launches!

Wakiya: Wyvron! Take the center!

Cuza: Go! Warp Launch!

*Cognite attacks Wyvron and Wyvron doesn't budge*

Cuza: Now COGNITE! *Cognite's avatar appears* DIMENSION ATTACK!

Wakiya: WYVRON! *Wyvron's avatar appears* JET SHIELD!

*Cognite is knocked out of the stadium*

Referee: Jet Wyvron with a Ring-Out finish. One point goes to Wakiya Murasaki.

Hanami: And the Legend Wakiya takes the first point! Can Cuza make a comeback or is it already over?

Cuza (thinking): That surprised me. Now I will go with counterclockwise stamina mode.

Referee: Second battle. Ready Set.

Cuza/Wakiya: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Hanami: A powerful Lightning Launch from Wakiya! And Cuza, did he mislaunch!

Wakiya: I was looking forward to facing you at full power but I guess not.

Cuza: Take the center Cognite!

Wakiya: Wyvron! Defend the center!

*Cognite reaches the center a second sooner and knocks back Wyvron*

Wakiya: Wyvron! Go on the crater!

*Wyvron circles the crater*

Wakiya: Now Wyvron! Wyvron's avatar appears* JET COUNTER!

Cuza: COGNITE! *Cognite's avatar appears* DIMENSION SPIN!

*Wyvron attacks Cognite and then... Burst*

Referee: Dimension Cognite with a Burst finish. Cuza Ackermann wins by a score of 2-1.

Hanami: Wow! Cuza Ackermann pulls off the slow motion burst technique and defeats the Legend Wakiya Murasaki! Cuza has clinched the last spot in the Legend Festival!

Cuza: Yesss! I made it!

359 words! Thank you for your support! Comment below what you think of the new chapter! Next chapter will be introducing the Legend Festival and the groups!

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