Round 3! World Smash!

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The second round of tag team battles was completed. Valt and Rantaro defeated Lane and Xander. Ranjiro and Phi defeated Daigo and Hyuga. Gwyn and Delta defeated Zac and Hikaru.

Back to the present...

Hanami: It's time for the third round of tag team battles! Let's figure out the matchups! First up, it's the blader that's so strong he's already clinched his spot in the quarterfinals, Valt Aoi! And his teammate will be Daigo Kurogami! They will be facing off against Xander Shakadera and Phi!

Xander: Phi, huh? Hahaha, this'll be fun!

Valt: Daigo!

Daigo: Cool.

Phi: I have a second chance now to destroy you, Valt Aoi.

Hanami: The second battle we will have Shu Kurenai and Zac the Sunrise! And they will be facing Dante Koryu and Gwyn Reynolds! 

Shu: Zac. Don't lose.

Zac: We got this!

Dante: I'm really teaming up with Gwyn! Yay!

Gwyn: This'll be fun.

Hanami: The third battle will have Free de la Hoya and Hikaru Hizashi facing off against Silas Karlisle and Ranjiro Kiyama!

Free: Teaming up with one of the brothers again? Ok.

Hikaru: Cool!

Silas: Can I actually get a good teammate?

Ranjiro: What did you just say?

Hanami: For the fourth battle, it's Aiger Akabane and Hyuga Hizashi versus Cuza Ackermann and Rantaro Kiyama!

Aiger: Let's go Hyuga!

Hyuga: I'm teaming up with Aiger? Cool!

Cuza: Let's win Honcho!

Rantaro: Yeah!

Hanami: And for the final battle of the tag team battles, it's Lui Shirosagi and Wakiya Murasaki versus Delta Zakuro and Lane Valhalla!

Lui: I'm with him?

Wakiya: Oh, the feeling's mutual.

Lane: I can't let these legends beat me again!

Delta: Ugh, I'm with Lane?

Hanami: Now that we have that out of the way, let's start the matches! In the red corner, it's Valt Aoi and Daigo Kurogami! And in the blue corner, it's Xander Shakadera and Phi!

Referee: Tag battle. Ready set.

Valt/Daigo/Xander/Phi: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Valt: Rush Launch!

*Valtryek attacks Phoenix*

Phi: Spirit Break!

*Phoenix moves around and then hits Valtryek and Valtryek hits the wall*

Valt: VALTRYEK! *Valtryek's avatar appears* BRAVE SWORD!

Phi: PHOENIX! *Phoenix's avatar appears* SPIRIT IMPACT!

*Phoenix is knocked out of the stadium*

Daigo: Now Doomscizor! Attack

Xander: It's time! XCALIUS! *Xcalius's avatar appears* HEXA-SABER!


*Doomscizor and Xcalius attack each other and sparks start to fly*


*Valtryek and Doomscizor knock Xcalius out of the stadium*

Referee: Brave Valtryek and Hollow Doomscizor win!

Hanami: Valt Aoi and Daigo Kurogami are able to win! Valt now has four points and Daigo has one! Xander is eliminated with zero points!

Xander: How could this happen?

Hanami: The second battle of the third round is about to begin! In the red corner, it's Shu Kurenai and Zac the Sunrise! And in the blue corner, it's Dante Koryu and Gwyn RMurasaki

Shu: I'll use clockwise mode.

Shu/Zac/Gwyn/Dante: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Zac: Castle Boost! Take the center!

Gwyn: Genesis! Take the center!

*Genesis gets there first*

Dante: Dragon! Attack!

*Dragon attacks Spryzen*

Shu: Counter-Break!

*Spryzen attacks Dragon*

Gwyn: GENESIS! *Genesis's avatar appears* CYCLONE PULSE!

Zac: ZEUTRON! *Zeutron's avatar appears* CASTLE COUNTER!

*Zeutron is knocked out of the stadium*



*Spryzen knocks Dragon out of the stadium*

Shu: Spryzen attack now!

*Spryzen can't get past Genesis' barrier*

Shu: SPRYZEN! *Spryzen's avatar appears* WORLD SMASH!

*Spryzen lands on top of Genesis and bursts it*

Referee: World Spryzen and Castle Zeutron win!

Hanami: Shu Kurenai and Zac the Sunrise win! They each now have two points! Now Daigo Kurogami, Phi, Gwyn Reynolds, and Wakiya Murasaki are eliminated! That leaves thirteen competitors that have a chance to win with seven spots remaining!

604 words! Please post below what you think of the chapter! Next chapter will be finishing off Round 3!

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