Formidable Foe! Slash Balkesh!/Face the Legend, Shu!

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Cuza goes to the Victories to challenge Arman Kusaba. A tag battle is suggested and Cuza agrees to it. He tag teams with Gwyn Reynolds against Arman and Dante Koryu. Cuza and Gwyn eventually win this battle. Lane faces Xander and completely destroys Xcalius.

Back to the present...

Cuza goes to America to try to find Boa Alcazaba. Cuza finds him training under a bridge. Cuza challenges him to a battle and Boa accepts. They both head out to the Raging Bulls Arena for their battle.

Boa: My Slash Balkesh is going to crush your dreams!

Cuza: I will beat you with my Dimension Cognite!

Cuza (thinking): I'll go with counterclockwise attack mode.

Referee: First battle. Ready set.

Boa/Cuza: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Hanami: And we have two Lightning Launches! (What its called in the Dub)

Boa: Balkesh! Take the center!

Cuza: Cognite! Attack!

*Balkesh takes damage*

Boa: NOW BALKESH! *Balkesh's avatar appears* ULTRA FINAL GUARD!


*Balkesh and Cognite clash until Balkesh is knocked out of the ring*

Referee: Dimension Cognite with a Ring-Out finish. Cuza Ackermann gets one point.

Hanami: Cuza gets one point! Can he finish it off it the second battle?

Cuza (thinking): I'll do that again.

Referee: Second battle. Ready Set.

Cuza/Boa: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Hanami: Lightning Launches from both sides!

*Balkesh takes the center*

Cuza: Go! Warp Launch!

*Balkesh takes damage from the hits*

Boa: Now! 

*Cognite pushes Balkesh up the stadium and it turns into a perfect circle*

Boa: NOW SLASH BALKESH! *Balkesh's avatar appears* ULTRA FINAL CRASH!

*Cognite gets knocked out of the stadium*

Referee: Slash Balkesh with a Ring-Out finish. Boa Alcazaba gets one point.

Hanami: And the score is tied up at one all!

Cuza (thinking): I'll go with clockwise attack mode. 

Cuza/Boa: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Hanami: Boa does a Lightning Launch! And Cuza does a Lightning Launch as well!

Boa: We got this Balkesh! 

Cuza: Warp Launch!

*Balkesh gets pushed up the stadium and turns into a perfect circle*

Boa: BALKESH! *Balkesh's avatar appears* ULTRA FINAL CRASH!

Cuza: COGNITE! COUNTER IT! *Cognite's avatar appears* DIMENSION ATTACK!

*Balkesh and Cognite clash until...*

Hanami: Burst! Burst! But who won it ref?

Referee: Dimension Cognite with a Burst finish. Cuza Ackermann wins by a score of 3-1. 

Cuza: Yesss!

Once Cuza left the arena, he was met by the legend Shu Kurenai

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Once Cuza left the arena, he was met by the legend Shu Kurenai. 

Shu: You've improved since we last met.

Cuza: You were watching?

Shu: Of course. I am the owner of the Raging Bulls.

Cuza: Oh yeah. Anyways, why did you come here?

Shu: I wanted to battle you.

Cuza: For real?

Shu: Yeah.

Shu and Cuza find a stadium in the Raging Bulls gym.

Shu: This is my Lightning bey, World Spryzen.

Cuza (thinking): It's a dual spinning balance type just like Cognite, so I'll use clockwise attack mode.

Cuza/Shu: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Cuza: Cognite! Warp Launch!

Shu: Go Spryzen!

Cuza: COGNITE! *Cognite's avatar appears* DIMENSION ATTACK


*Spryzen bursts Cognite.*

Cuza: Dang it. I have to get better.

527 words! Comment what you think below. Next chapter will be Cuza vs Fubuki  and the Speed Storm Stadium will be introduced.

Journey through Surge: Cuza AckermannWhere stories live. Discover now