Chance to Advance! Double Dive!

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The third round of the tag team battles began. Valt and Daigo defeated Xander and Phi and Shu and Zac defeated Dante and Gwyn. 

Back to the present...

Hanami: It's time for the third battle of the third round! In the blue corner, it's the high school prodigy, Free de la Hoya and the hero blader, Hikaru Hizashi! And in the red corner, it's the rebellious outlaw, Silas Karlisle and the Cap'n, Ranjiro Kiyama!

Silas (thinking): It's bad enough that I've been eliminated, but I haven't had a single point yet.

Referee: Tag battle. Ready set.

Free/Hikaru/Silas/Ranjiro: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Free: Fafnir! Take the center!

Ranjiro: Roktavor! Take the center!

*Fafnir gets there first*

Silas: Satomb! Attack now!

Hikaru: Helios! Counter it!

Ranjiro: ROKTAVOR! *Roktavor's avatar appears* SUPER TORNADO!

*Roktavor hits Fafnir and the Nothing tip moves down*

Free: FAFNIR! *Fafnir's avatar appears* NOTHING BREAK!

*Fafnir moves around the edge of the stadium and then hits Roktavor, bursting it*

Silas: SATOMB! *Satomb's avatar appears* UNIVERSE DRIFT!

Hikaru: HELIOS! *Helios's avatar appears* KOLOSSAL STRIKE!

*Helios and Satomb simultaneously fly out of the stadium*

Referee: Mirage Fafnir and Kolossal Helios win!

Hanami: Free and Hikaru get the win! Free clinches the second spot in the quarterfinals! Hikaru isn't out yet with two points! Ranjiro is eliminated with only one point.

Hikaru: Yes!

Ranjiro: Ugh!

Hanami: Now it's time for the fourth battle of the third round! In the blue corner, it's Aiger Akabane and Hyuga Hizashi! And in the red corner, it's Cuza Ackermann and Rantaro Kiyama!

Aiger: I'll be using Infinite Shield.

Cuza: I'll pierce through that shield with clockwise attack mode!

Referee: Tag battle. Ready set.

Aiger/Hyuga/Cuza/Rantaro: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Cuza: Warp Launch!

Aiger: Achilles! Take the center!

Rantaro: Roktavor! Take the center!

*Roktavor gets there first*

Rantaro: ROKTAVOR! *Roktavor's avatar appears* GLIDE TORNADO!

Aiger: AHHH ACHILLES! *Achilles' avatar appears* INFINITE GUARD!

Cuza: COGNITE! *Cognite's avatar appears* DIMENSION ATTACK!

Hyuga: HYPERION! *Hyperion's avatar appears* SUPER STRIKE!

*Achilles and Hyperion knock Roktavor and Cognite into the air*


*Roktavor and Cognite land on Achilles and Hyperion and they fall out of the stadium*

Referee: Glide Roktavor and Dimension Cognite win!

Hanami: Rantaro Kiyama and Cuza Ackermann win with an epic attack! Rantaro advances to the quarterfinals and Hyuga Hizashi is eliminated! Aiger and Cuza have two points each!

Hyuga: Ugh!

Rantaro: Yes!

Hanami: Now it's time for the final tag team battle of the Festival! In the red corner, it's Lui Shirosagi and Wakiya Murasaki! And in the blue corner, it's Lane Valhalla and Delta Zakuro!

Delta: I'll use Demise Devolos.

Referee: Tag battle. Ready set.

Lui/Wakiya/Lane/Delta: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Delta: Demise Launch!

Wakiya: Wyvron! Take the center!

Lane: Lucius! Attack!

Lui: Not on my watch! Go Lúinor!

Wakiya: WYVRON! *Wyvron's avatar appears* JET SHIELD!

Delta: DEVOLOS! *Devolos's avatar appears* DEMISE UPPER!

Lui: LÚINOR! Lúinor's avatar appears* RAGING UPPER!

Lane: LUCIUS! *Lucius's avatar appears and flares up* VEX DISASTER!

*All of the beys go flying out of the stadium*

Hanami: Which bey was the last to fall? *Watches replay* 

Referee: Raid Lúinor and Jet Wyvron win!

Hanami: The last to hit the ground was Wyvron! Lui and Wakiya win! Lui clinches the fourth spot in the quarterfinals and Lane is eliminated! 

Lane: Ugh!

Hanami: But wait! We're supposed to have eight quarterfinalists! Huh? I've just been informed that the winners of the battle royales will get a spot! That means Aiger Akabane and Dante Koryu get the fifth and sixth spots! There is five bladers left so we will have a tag battle but there will be a play-in match to get into the tag battle based off of there teammates ranking! That means the play-in match will be between Zac the Sunrise and Hikaru Hizashi! Shu Kurenai, Cuza Ackermann, and Delta Zakuro will be waiting at the tag battle!

626 words! Thank you for the support because we just hit 200 reads! Please post what you think of the chapter below! Next chapter will be Zac vs Hikaru and then the tag battle

Journey through Surge: Cuza AckermannWhere stories live. Discover now