Legend Super Tag League! The Tag Teams!

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Lain defeated Cuza and destroyed Cognite. Hikaru, Hyuga, and Cuza created their new Limit Break beys, and defeated Valt, Rantaro, and Dante.

Back to the present...

*Cuza is staying at the Comets*

Rantaro: Let's have some battles!

Hanami: We have a new tournament called the Legend Super Tag League! Everyone from the Legend Festival will participate plus Kurt Baratier, Fubuki Sumiye, Boa Alcazaba, and Kit Lopez! Everyone will have to choose their teammate, and then there will be tag team battles in a round robin format!

Rantaro: Never mind then! You guys should find who your tag team partners are gonna be!

Hikaru: Yeah! I wanna be with Aiger!

Hyuga: I wanna be with Valt!

Cuza: I'll stay here and wait.

*At BC Sol*

Free: Let it rip!

*Bushes rustle*

Free: I know you're there. You can come out.

Silas: Yo. I figured you probably wouldn't have a partner yet. So I came to visit.

Free: How about you be honest and ask me nicely?

Hanami: Okay, boys and girls! The first tag team will be Silas Karlisle and Free de la Hoya! 

*At Lain's warehouse*

*Harry growls*

Lain: Who is it?

Phi: Me. I'll be your tag partner. 

Lain: Alright, bet.

Hanami: The next tag team will be Phi and Lain Valhalla!

*At Beigoma Academy*

Fubuki: LET IT RIP!

Aiger: FUBUKI!

Fubuki: Aiger? What are you doing here?

Aiger: You're gonna be my tag partner!

Fubuki: Awesome!

Hanami: The next tag team will be Aiger Akabane and Fubuki Sumiye!

*On the beach*

Hyuga: Sorry Hikaru.

*At the Wild Bey Gang*

Ranjiro: My brother has gotten so good! He should be my tag partner!

*Ranjiro gets up and runs into someone*

Ranjiro: Rantaro?

Rantaro: You're gonna be my tag partner, little bro!

Ranjiro: Yeah!

Hanami: The next tag team will be Rantaro Kiyama and Ranjiro Kiyama!

*At the Victories*

Delta: Yo, Gwyn, you wanna be my tag partner?

Gwyn: Sure.

Hanami: The next tag team will be Delta Zakuro and Gwyn Reynolds!

*In the park in Japan*

Xander: Let it rip!

Zac: Yo Xander!

Xander: What's up, Zac?

Zac: I want you to be my tag partner!

Xander: Hahaha! Alright!

Hanami: The next tag team will be Xander Shakadera and Zac the Sunrise!

*a blur appears in front of the Comets and runs in*


Cuza: Sure!

Hanami: The next tag team will be Dante Koryu and Cuza Ackermann!

*At BC Sol*

Valt: KIT!

Kit: What, Valt?

Valt: Can you be my tag partner?

Kit: Yeah!

Hanami: The next tag team will be Valt Aoi and Kit Lopez!

*At the training center*

Hikaru: Sorry Hyuga.

Hyuga: We should be tag partners, Hikaru!

Hikaru: Sure, why not.

Hanami: The next tag team will be Hikaru Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi!

*At the park*

Daigo: Yo!

Wakiya: What's up, Daigo?

Daigo: Wanna be my tag partner?

Wakiya: Sure.

Hanami: The next tag team will be Daigo Kurogami and Wakiya Murasaki!

*At the Raging Bulls, Boa comes running in*

Boa: So, I heard there are only four people left. So, I came and asked you.

Shu: Sure, I'll be your partner.

Hanami: The next tag team will be Shu Kurenai and Boa Alcazaba! Which means that the final tag team will be Lui Shirosagi and Kurt Baratier!

Lui: Kurt, eh?

Kurt: Lui? I'm fine with that!

546 words! Please let me know what you think below! Next chapter will be Round One of the tag league!

Journey through Surge: Cuza AckermannWhere stories live. Discover now