Fired Up! Facing the Turbo Duo!

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The first round of the Legend Super Tag League began. Free and Silas defeated Xander and Zac. Lain and Phi defeated Hyuga and Hikaru. Wakiya and Daigo defeated Gwyn and Delta off of a new move from Daigo. Valt and Kit defeated Dante and Cuza. Lui and Kurt defeated Aiger and Fubuki. Shu and Boa defeated the Kiyama brothers with an epic new move from Boa.

Back to the present...

Hanami: We're back with the second round of the Legend Super Tag League! The first battle of this round will be Lui Shirosagi and Kurt Baratier versus Rantaro Kiyama and Ranjiro Kiyama!

Lui: This should be an easy win.

Kurt: Yeah.

Ranjiro: Let's win this Rantaro!

Rantaro: We can defeat them!

Hanami: The second battle of the second round will be Xander Shakadera and Zac the Sunrise versus Shu Kurenai and Boa Alcazaba!

Xander: Facing Shu will be a tough match.

Zac: We can still win!

Boa: Imagine getting two easy opponents in a row.

Shu: Don't be cocky. Let's train.

Hanami: The third battle of the second round will be Dante Koryu and Cuza Ackermann versus Aiger Akabane and Fubuki Sumiye!

Dante: It's time to rise up!

Cuza: Aiger, huh? I'll beat you again!

Aiger: I finally get a chance at revenge!

Fubuki: Let's win this, Aiger!

Hanami: The fourth battle of the second round will be Gwyn Reynolds and Delta Zakuro versus Valt Aoi and Kit Lopez!

Delta: We're up against Valt, huh?

Gwyn: It doesn't matter who we're up against. Let's win!

Valt: Awesome! I'm up against my student!

Kit: Let's do this, Valt!

Hanami: The fifth battle of the second round will be Hikaru Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi versus Daigo Kurogami and Wakiya Murasaki!

Hyuga: This is our chance to win!

Hikaru: Let's go, Hyuga!

Wakiya: We're up against them, huh? This should be interesting!

Daigo: We can beat them.

Hanami: And the final battle of the second round will be Free de la Hoya and Silas Karlisle versus Lain Valhalla and Phi!

Free: Hmph, Lain?

Silas: We got this, Free!

Lain: Easy win. Calling it.

Phi: Free de la Hoya. I will destroy you again.

Hanami: It's time for the battles to begin! In the red corner, we have Lui Shirosagi and Kurt Baratier! And in the blue corner, we have Rantaro Kiyama and Ranjiro Kiyama!

Referee: Tag battle. Ready set.

Lui/Kurt/Rantaro/Ranjiro: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Rantaro: Take the center of the top slope!

Ranjiro: Take the center of the bottom slope!

Kurt: Attack it!

Lui: Crush them Lúinor!

Kurt: KHALZAR! *Khalzar's avatar appears* SWERVE ATTACK!

Ranjiro: ROKTAVOR! *Roktavor's avatar appears* SUPER TORNADO!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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