Flare Showdown! Creation of the Limit Break System!

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The match between Valt and Shu continued. Valt won by a score of 4-2. Hyuga and Hikaru battled Lain, and he destroyed their beys.

Back to the present...

Shu: I'll be the referee for the battle.

Cuza (thinking): I'll go with clockwise attack mode.

Shu: Ready set. 

Lain/Cuza: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Lain: Lock up the center with Vex Wall!

Cuza: Warp Launch!

*Cognite attacks Lucius*

Cuza: GO COGNITE! *Cognite's avatar appears and Cuza and Cognite flare up* DIMENSION ATTACK!

Lain: LUCIUS! *Lucius's avatar appears and Lane and Lucius flare up* VEX DISASTER!

*The impact pushes Cognite to the wall and Lucius follows it*



*Lucius continues pushing Cognite against the wall and Cognite is destroyed*

Cuza: No Cognite.

*Valt puts his hand on Cuza's shoulder*

Valt: Let's go. We can fix this.

*They go to the Comets because Rantaro wants to check on Hikaru and Hyuga and also Cuza can make a new bey there, Shu stays behind and battles Lain*

Rantaro: We're here!

*They all go inside*

Rantaro: Hikaru, Hyuga, how are you guys doing?

Hyuga: Awesome! We already created our new beys! *Holds up his bey* This is Hyperion Burn!

Hikaru: *Holds up his bey* This is Helios Volcano!

Cuza: How do you make that kind of bey? I've never seen something like that! *Remembers that his bey broke and starts being sad* Maybe I could use it.

Hyuga: You battled Lain, too?

Hikaru: I'm guessing it didn't go so well. But yeah, you can use our system! It's called the Limit Break system!

Cuza: Cool!

*Cuza creates his bey and goes into resonance world*

Cuza: Cognite. I won't let Lain ever destroy you again! I'll beat him next time!

Cognite: Keep getting stronger and I know we can win against anyone!

*Back to regular world*

Cuza: *Holds up his new bey* This is Cognite Galaxy!

Valt: I wanna see what it's like to battle against a Limit Break bey!

Dante: Same! 

Rantaro: Me too!

*Valt is going to battle Hikaru, Dante is going to battle Cuza, and Rantaro is going to battle Hyuga*

Valt/Hikaru: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Dante/Cuza: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Rantaro/Hyuga: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

*Valtryek and Helios attack each other in the center*

Valt: Go! Rush Launch!

Hikaru: Helios! Attack now!

Valt: NOW VALTRYEK! *Valtryek's avatar appears* BRAVE SWORD!

*Valtryek pushes Helios to the point of almost bursting*

Hikaru: HELIOS! *Helios's avatar appears and a blue flare surrounds Hikaru and Helios* LIMIT BREAK VOLCANO!

*Helios fights back and bursts Valtryek*

*At the same time*

Dante: Dragon! Attack!

Cuza: Cognite! Go!

*Dragon and Cognite attack each other*

Dante: GO DRAGON! *Dragon's avatar appears* DOUBLE BOUND!

*Dragon attacks Cognite and the slopes move to the edge of bursting*

Cuza: NOW COGNITE! *Cognite's avatar appears and a white flare surrounds Cuza and Cognite* LIMIT BREAK GALAXY!

*Cognite fights back against Dragon and bursts it*

*Also at the same time*

Rantaro: Roktavor! Take the center!

Hyuga: Let's go all out, Hyperion!

Rantaro: Is that all you can do? GO ROKTAVOR! *Roktavor's avatar appears* GLIDE TORNADO!

*Roktavor throws Hyperion up into the air and into the wall taking a lot of damage*

Hyuga: NOW HYPERION! *Hyperion's avatar appears and a red flare surrounds Hyuga and Hyperion* LIMIT BREAK BURN!

*Hyperion moves down the slope of the stadium and bursts Roktavor*

Guy: Hikaru, Hyuga, and Cuza win with burst finishes!

Reina: Wow, what power!

Chuck: This is epic, dudes!

*Back at Lain's warehouse*

Shu (thinking): I have to stop you, Lain.

Shu: I'll use clockwise mode.

Lain: It doesn't matter what you do. I'll still win.

Lain/Shu: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Lain: Send him flying!

Shu: World Spin!

*Lucius and Spryzen clash in the center*

Lain: I'll burst you!

Shu: No, you won't!

*Spryzen and Lucius stop at the same time*

Lain: A draw!? I'll destroy you in the next battle!

Shu: I'll use counterclockwise mode this time!

Lain/Shu: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Shu: Go!

*Spryzen knocks Lucius away*

Shu: Ahhh!

Lain: You can't beat me! Ahhh! Vex Wall!

*Lucius knocks Spryzen away and Spryzen hits the wall and flies into the air*

Shu: SPRYZEN! *Spryzen's avatar appears* WORLD WHIP!

*Spryzen lands on top of Lucius and Lucius flies up and falls back down, losing his barrier*

Lain: LUCIUS! *Lucius's avatar appears* VEX DISASTER!

*Lucius hits Spryzen*

Lain: It didn't burst?


*Spryzen hits Lucius and Lucius flies up into the air and bursts and Lain flies backwards*

Shu: It's over Lain. I've won.

741 words! Sorry for the long wait! Please let me know what you think below! Next chapter will be announcing the Legend Super Tag League and the tag teams!

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