The King! Crown Apocalypse!/The Power of Legends!

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Cuza defeated Ghasem Madal with a Burst Finish in the first battle of their match using his special move tight rope dive. Ranjiro defeated Rantaro to clinch his spot in the Legend Festival.

Back to the present...

Cuza goes to the Infernal Tower to challenge the 28th ranked blader, Arthur Peregrine. Arthur agrees and says that the battle will be at the Neo Bey Arena.

Hanami: In the blue corner, it's the one who calls himself king, Arthur Peregrine! And in the red corner, it's the acrobat, Cuza Ackermann!

Arthur: Your journey ends here. My Crown Apocalypse will destroy your bey in one shot!

Cuza: Not on my watch.

Cuza (thinking): I'll go with counterclockwise stamina mode. (A/N: Plot twist!) 

Referee: Ready Set.

Cuza/Arthur: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Hanami: Sparking Shoots from both sides!

Cuza: Cognite! Take the center!

Arthur: Attack Apocalypse!

Cuza: Dimension Spin!

Arthur: Go! Crown Blast!

*Cognite steals Apocalypse's spin*

Arthur: I'm not done yet! CROWN REBOOT!

*Apocalypse speeds up*

Arthur: Attack! FINAL BLASTER! *Apocalypse's avatar appears*

Cuza: Counter it! Once again! DIMENSION SPIN!

*Apocalypse stops*

Referee: Dimension Cognite with a Survivor Finish. Cuza Ackermann gets 1 point.

Hanami: Cuza gets the first point with an epic display of stamina!

???: Not bad! *Spotlights flash on ???*

Hanami: Silas Karlisle is in the house!

Silas: I didn't know you made a Sparking bey.

Cuza: Silas?

Arthur: Silas Karlisle. After I defeat Cuza, I'm coming for you!

Cuza: You're the one losing.

Arthur: Not for long.

*Cuza switches Cognite to clockwise attack mode*

Referee: Ready Set.

Cuza/Arthur: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Cuza: Warp Launch!

Arthur: Attack! APOCALYPSE! * Apocalypse's avatar appears* ULTRA FINAL BLASTER!

Cuza: COGNITE! *Cognite's avatar appears* DIMENSION ATTACK!

*Apocalypse and Cognite fly out of the stadium*

Hanami: They both go flying! Who will win?

Cuza: GOO!

*Apocalypse hits the ground a second before Cognite*

Referee: Dimension Cognite with a Ring-Out Finish. Cuza Ackermann wins by a score of 2-0.

Hanami: Cuza Ackermann wins!

When Cuza left the arena, he was met by Silas

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When Cuza left the arena, he was met by Silas.

Silas: Not bad out there. You might make the Festival.

Cuza: I have to do way better than this to make it.

Silas: Arthur was ranked 28th, right?

Cuza: Yeah, why?

Silas: You know you can skip some of the bladers ahead of you?

Cuza: No, I didn't

Silas: If you beat the 27th ranked blader, you can skip to the 24th ranked blader.

Cuza: I didn't know that. Ok, time to train. Silas, wanna battle?

Silas: Sure.

Cuza (thinking): Satomb is a strong defense type. So I'll go with clockwise stamina mode.

Cuza/Silas: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Cuza: Cognite! Take the center!

Silas: Stamina mode, eh? COUNTER IT WITH TRIPLE TWISTER!

*Cognite bursts immediately*

Cuza (thinking): I've got to get a lot stronger to keep up with the legends.

491 words! My most yet! Let me know what you think in the comments! Also I am going to put a poll on my profile soon so be on the lookout! Next chapter Cuza's opponent will be Ken Midori.

Journey through Surge: Cuza AckermannWhere stories live. Discover now