Legend Super Tag League! First Round!

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A new tournament called the Legend Super Tag League was announced and all of the tag teams were chosen.

Back to the present...

*At the Sparking Arena*

Hanami: The Legend Super Tag League tournament will be in a round robin format. This means that every tag team will face everyone else once. The top four teams of the round robin will make the semifinals, where the battles will be a best of three for the championship! It's time to reveal the new stadium! The Ultimate Storm Stadium!

Cuza: What is that?

Hanami: In the center is the storm plate that can either help you or hurt you! There is also two slopes on the edge of the stadium! It's now time to announce the first round's battles! The first battle will be Free de la Hoya and Silas Karlisle versus Xander Shakadera and Zac the Sunrise!

Free: Them? This should be easy.

Silas: Let's win this Free!

Xander: Up against Free already?

Zac: We can win this, Xander!

Hanami: The second battle of the first round is Lain Valhalla and Phi versus Hikaru Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi!

Lain: This'll be easy.

Phi: Yeah.

Hikaru: We're up against Lane, already?

Hyuga: We have a chance at revenge, Hikaru! Let's do this!

Hanami: The third battle of the first round is Wakiya Murasaki and Daigo Kurogami versus Gwyn Reynolds and Delta Zakuro!

Wakiya: Let's win this, Daigo!

Daigo: We'll win for sure!

Delta: Wakiya and Daigo, eh?

Gwyn: I'll win.

Hanami: The fourth battle of the first round is Valt Aoi and Kit Lopez versus Dante Koryu and Cuza Ackermann!

Valt: Hmm, that will be a tough match.

Kit: Let's go train, Valt!


Cuza: Finally, I get to go up against Valt!

Hanami: The fifth battle of the first round is Aiger Akabane and Fubuki Sumiye versus Lui Shirosagi and Kurt Baratier!

Aiger: Fighting Lui, eh?

Fubuki: Lui. I'll beat you this time!

Lui: Aiger Akabane. Looks like I'm already facing you. Hahaha!

Kurt: Let's win this, Lui.

Hanami: And the final battle of the first round is Rantaro Kiyama and Ranjiro Kiyama versus Shu Kurenai and Boa Alcazaba!

Rantaro: We're up against Shu? I'll have to win!

Ranjiro: Let's do this, bro!

Shu: Rantaro and Ranjiro. This could be a tough match.

Boa: Then let's get to training then.

*Later that day*

Hanami: We're here to start the first round of the Legend Super Tag League! In the blue corner, we have Xander Shakadera and Zac the Sunrise! And in the red corner, we have Free de la Hoya and Silas Karlisle!

Referee: Tag Battle. Ready set.

Free/Silas/Xander/Zac: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Zac: Zeutron! Take the center of the bottom slope!

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