The Jet Black Flame vs The Lord of Devastation!

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Cuza faces Ken in a battle. Ken takes the first point and then Cuza wins with a Burst finish. Hyuga and Daigo battle and Hyuga wins to clinch his spot in the Legend Festival.

Back to the present...

Cuza goes to the Victories Gym to challenge Arman Kusaba and sees him battling the Legend Dante Koryu. Cuza also sees the Legend Delta Zakuro battling the Legend Gwyn Reynolds.

Cuza: Hi!

Dante: Who are you?

Gwyn: I know you. You're Cuza Ackermann.

Cuza: That's right! And I've come to challenge you, Arman Kusaba!

Arman: Alright!

Dante: I wanna battle too!

Tango: How about we do a Tag Team battle?

Cuza: Ok. What are the teams?

Delta: I'll sit out and be the ref. We'll have Dante and Arman vs. Gwyn and Cuza.

Cuza: Alright!

Dante: I'm battling with Triumph Dragon!

Arman: I'm battling with Spike Ashindra!

Gwyn: And I'll be using Cyclone Genesis.

Cuza: My bey is Dimension Cognite!

Cuza (thinking): I'll go with counterclockwise attack mode.

Delta: First Battle. Ready Set.

Cuza/Gwyn/Dante/Arman: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP! *All perform sparking shoots*

Cuza: Cognite! Warp Launch!

Arman: Ashindra! Take the center!

Gwyn: Genesis! Take the center!

Dante: Attack! Dragon!

Arman: Ashindra! Spike Guard!

Gwyn: Cyclone Scream!

*Genesis and Ashindra clash*

Cuza: Now Cognite! Dimension Attack!

*Genesis and Cognite knock Ashindra out of the ring*

Cuza: COGNITE! *Cognite's avatar appears* DIMENSION ATTACK!

*Cognite hits Dragon against the wall*

Dante: GOO DRAGON! *Dragon's avatar appears* WINGED RECOIL!

Gwyn: Now! GENESIS! *Genesis's avatar appears* CYCLONE WHIP!

*Cognite and Dragon simultaneously fly out of the ring*

Delta: Cyclone Genesis and Dimension Cognite win!

Dante: Ugh!

Tango: I'll inform the WBBA about this battle.

Hanami: We have a battle between the Legend, Xander Shakadera and Lane Valhalla!

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Hanami: We have a battle between the Legend, Xander Shakadera and Lane Valhalla!

Lane: My flare will destroy your bey!

Xander: Not while I have Octave Xcalius!

Referee: First battle. Ready set.

Xander/Lane: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP! *Lucius's barrier opens*

Xander: Xcalius! Attack!

Lane: Variant Wall!

Xander: Go! XCALIUS! *Xcalius's avatar appears* PENTA-SABER!

Lane: LUCIUS! *Lucius's avatar appears* VARIANT PRESS!

*Xcalius shatters into pieces*

Xander: Ahhh!


Referee: Vex Lucius with a Burst finish. Lane Valhalla wins by a score of 2-0.

Hanami: Oh my goodness! Xcalius is in pieces! Lane Valhalla clinches his spot in the Legend Festival!

393 words! Let me know what you think of it in the comments! The next chapter will be Cuza vs Boa!

Journey through Surge: Cuza AckermannWhere stories live. Discover now