Tag Team Battles! Brave Castle!

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The Legend Festival begins with the Battle Royales. Aiger, Valt, Rantaro, and Dante are the ones that end up getting a point.

Back to the present...

Everyone was waiting for the announcement of the next location and then a few days later Hanami makes the announcement.

Hanami: The second round of the Legend Festival will be held at the Grand Arena in America!

*Fast forward until everyone is on the plane*

Valt: Been a long time since I've been here!

Cuza: Yeah!

Daigo: I get to battle here this time.

Lui: This'll be your graveyard.

*Fast forward until when they get into the arena*

Hanami: Now that all the bladers are seated, we will announce the first round of Tag Team battles! For the first match, we have Daigo Kurogami and Phi versus Valt Aoi and Zac the Sunrise!

Valt: Teaming up with Zac will be interesting.

Zac: Let's win this Valt!

Daigo: I'm teamed up with him?

Phi: I'll take on Valt, you do whatever.

Hanami: The second battle will be Xander Shakadera and Gwyn Reynolds versus Shu Kurenai and Hikaru Hizashi!

Xander: Up against Shu? I got this!

Gwyn: This will be interesting.

Hikaru: I'm teamed up with Shu? Awesome!

Shu: Let's win this Hikaru.

Hanami: The third battle of the first round will Dante Koryu and Ranjiro Kiyama versus Free de la Hoya and Hyuga Hizashi!

Ranjiro: Awesome! I'm with Dante!

Dante: Cool!

Free: Hmm.

Hyuga: I'm with Free again!

Hanami: The fourth battle of the first round will be Silas Karlisle and Rantaro Kiyama versus Aiger Akabane and Lane Valhalla!

Rantaro: Oh, I'm with Silas?

Silas: Hey, that's my line!

Lane: Aiger Akabane. Don't get in my way.

Aiger: I'm with Lane?

Hanami: The last battle of the first round will be Cuza Ackermann and Wakiya Murasaki versus Lui Shirosagi and Delta Zakuro!

Cuza: I'm with Wakiya? Cool.

Wakiya: We got this!

Lui: This'll be easy.

Delta: Lui, eh?

*Teams training for their battles*

Zac: Should I go after Daigo and you go after Phi?

Valt: Nah, I have a strategy for the battle.

*Fast forward to the battle*

Hanami: In the red corner, it's Daigo Kurogami and Phi! And in the blue corner, it's Valt Aoi and Zac the Sunrise!

Phi: Valt Aoi. I will crush you once and for all.

Referee: Tag battle! Ready set.

Daigo/Phi/Valt/Zac: 3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!

Valt: Rush Launch!

Zac: Castle Boost!

Phi: Knock it out with Spirit Break!

*Doomscizor was launched on the crater and it spins around it*

Daigo: DOOMSCIZOR! *Doomscizor's avatar appears* HOLLOW UPPER!

*The impact pushes Zeutron into Valtryek*

Valt/Zac: VALTRYEK/ZEUTRON! *Valtryek and Zeutron's avatars appear* BRAVE CASTLE!

*Brave Castle is a move that hits both bets in the opposite direction usually knocking out or bursting the other beys. Only used by Valt and Zac*


*Valtryek bursts Phoenix and Zeutron bursts Doomscizor*

Referee: Brave Valtryek and Castle Zeutron win!

Valt: Nice one Zac!

Zac: Just as planned!

Phi: Impossible. I lost again.

Hanami: Valt and Zac win with an incredible combination attack! Valt now has two points and Zac has one point!

519 words! Put what you think below! Next chapter will be the rest of the first round!

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