We didn't die!

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We didn't die! ... Oh, and the world's safe I guess.

Leo stood observing the aftermath of the battle. He had just finished checking on Festus (who was now snoring rather loudly to his right) and was now looking around to see if anyone needed help.

Around him Hunters and Demigods were sat, some sprawled, out across the ragged field, pure exhaustion settled deep in their bones. They had won the fight, but not without some losses.

Leo watched the Apollo kids filter between the groups, checking on those who had been injured. Some Demigods had lost limbs, some eyes and others were fighting off the effects of poisons and burns. It pained him to see his friends and family this way, even though he was relieved to have won. Leo still couldn't bring himself to look in the direction of Hazel's crumpled body.

They had won with a relatively low casualty list, but Leo had the feeling the list would grow in numbers as the day continued.

Apollo himself could be seen amongst his kids, helping them heal where he could. Though some of the Hunters, out of pure pettiness and pride, refused to be treated by him after he began flirting.

It was running from a Hunter, where Apollo saw Will, who was still next to Nico, Clint and Hazel, the former two huddled over her body, and decided that with his son would be a safe enough place to escape the Hunter's rath.

"I promise I felt her hand move" stated Clint earnestly, a dread began to fill him that he'd imagined it, startled by the man who had appeared. A man he later found out was actually Lord Hades. Nico and Hazel's very scary father.

"I believe you Clint" replied Nico honestly as he searched his sisters face for any sign of life. He still couldn't sense her life force, but he had his fingers on her neck, seeking a pulse.

"Father! Could you please help us?!" called out Will, having spotted Apollo who had been briskly walking in their direction.

Apollo turned and glanced back at the Hunter, who glared at him, and quickened his pace over to his son, though looking sceptically at the blackened grass before he stepped on it.

Clint couldn't help but be slightly confused at how the blond teenager in front of him was the God Apollo, especially considering how all the other Gods seemed to at look to be in their mid to late twenties. It didn't help that Apollo had changed out of his armour and now wore only surfer shorts, paired with a white Doctor's coat. An odd look made weirder by the bow and Ukulele still strapped to his back.

"Oh wow" mused Apollo as he took in the sight of Hazel on the floor. And in the very Apollo fashion of not being able to read the room at all, he added, "She is like basically dead, dead. Like I'm actually kinda impressed she's not gone yet"

Nico didn't bother to hide is scowl from the God, and when Apollo caught sight of it, he seemed to realise he had spoken aloud and hastily continued with "But nothing I can't handle. Me being the God of Healing after all... ha ha.."

"If she's not gone then we can save her right?" asked Will cautiously, not only for his sake but more so for Nico's.

"Yeah, definitely" replied Apollo much more serious as he prepared to work. "I can sense some magic working, not a lot though, seems to just be multiplying some nectar in her system. And that tiny bit of Nectar is working its butt off to keep her alive...and Nectar only works if the person is.. well.. alive".

"I didn't think she swallowed it" murmured Nico, more to himself though they all heard it.

"Well it seems as if some made it into her system, you probably helped save her life with that" stated Apollo as he laid a hand on Hazel's forehead. "I'm going to continue to amplify the Nectar in her bloodstream, give it another little boost and with some good rest she should come back to us in one peace. I do it slowly though, I fear if I do heal her too quickly I might leave some parts of her down there".

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