Bullshit and lies - a saga

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||Bullshit and lies - A saga

Piper looked at Hazel, who stared back. Neither wanted to go first but at the same time, it was far too late to get out of the session.

Sighing Piper bit the bullet and said "I'll go first then". She began to slowly roll up her sleeve, tying to relax the tense muscles in her arm while she did it.

Besides her Hazel focused on covering all the various scars Piper had acquired through her general life as a Demigod. From scratches to scars too big to be inconspicuous, Hazel used the mist to cover it all up, hoping to keep Natasha's suspicions of them at bay.

The two teens watched as Natasha positioned herself next to Piper, and expertly took a blood sample. When the adult spared no glances at Piper's arm, the two teens began to fully relax, thanking there godly stars that Hectate created the mist.

"So" started Natasha, breaking the silence that had fallen, " Have you kids had all the vaccines you need?". Her tone was conversational.

"Like the MMR vaccine and stuff?" Asked Piper watching as the needle took a sample of her blood.

Natasha hummed a 'Yes' in reply as she handed Piper a cotton bud and set aside her sample.

"Well then, Yes" answered Piper. She glanced at Hazel, noticing she was again out of it- too focused on the mist, she slapped her friend on the shoulder with her 'non-injectioned' arm.

"Ahh! What was that for!?" exclaimed Hazel jolting in the seat much like how one jolts awake after being woken abruptly from a nap. "I was listening.... Shorts or something".

"Natasha asked us if we had been vaccinated?" pressed Piper, stressing the vaccination part knowing Hazel most likely hadn't been vaccinated due to her untimely death in the 50s. All Piper could do was hope, that wasn't the phrase that came out of Hazel's mouth as an answer.

Getting the hint very quickly, Hazel turned her attention to Natasha who was looking between the girls with guarded suspicion once more. Deciding the safest option, Hazel put on a passive face and shrugged. "I don't know what shots I've had". Her curls bounced as she tried to play her worlds casually.

Nodding a reply Natasha turned facing the counter and away from the girls as she prepped another needle for Hazel.

Piper kicked Hazel in the foot, drawing the girl's attention.

"That all you could think of!" she seemed to convey with a silent irritated look.

"What was I meant to say" replied Hazel with an equally irritated look.

"I dunno something less vague?!" shrugged Piper throwing her hands up.

"What just mention, I've not had any shots because I died and when I came back no one thought to take me to get a check-up. Oh and then the world was ending like it does every other Tuesday!!?" countered Hazel blowing a strand of hair out her face in exasperation.

This whole conversation of course was silent, executed through a series of looks and frantic hand gestures and when Natasha turned back round, only a minute later, the girls were in there original positions as if they never moved.

Taking the second blood sample the Hazel, Natasha thought about how little S.H.E.I.L.D. knew about the girls in front of her, how much these blood test could tell them. It was strange, Piper was the daughter of a well known actor, but her file was sparse – like she barely existed, and Harriet had refused to give a second name meaning no file, or in Natasha's mind, secrets to hide.

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