Killing em With Kindness

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|| This Killing em with Kindness business is taking too long

The analogue clock on the wall above the stove showed the time 6:00a.m.

Floor 36 seemed quiet, but the super soldier standing over the sizzling pancakes on the stove knew that the quiet would dissipate as the towers inhabitants came in search of food before the day truly began.

Steve was frying for himself and a few extra for Natasha. Though the assassin had yet to be seen, Steve knew she would be awake at this time. They would often snack before the others woke up, and then eat again with the whole team. A pre-breakfast if it had a name.

Placing down two plates, Steve pilled them high with soft fluffy pancakes and waited patiently for Natasha.

Even though no time had been set, Natasha strolled into the kitchen no more than five minutes later, dressed in workout gear with her hair in a bun.

"Good run?" She greeted the Soldier as she took a seat at the kitchen bar area, pulling a plate of pancake goodness closer.

"Yes it was humbling" nodded Steve as he walked around the counter to sit himself at the bar next to the assassin. "Good workout?"

"It was alright" hummed Natasha in response, "I had a lot to think about with all the recent madness in this tower." Pouring some syrup on her pancakes Natasha picked up her fork and dug in.

"When is this tower not engulfed in madness?" Joked Steve lightly his thoughts drifting to the kids asleep on floor 34. "I thought about what those kids said last night on my run. Enemies? they spoke as if they had multiple."

"Maybe they do," theorised Natasha, "They did say they were never safe. And on the way over hear in the jet? When you consider everything, multiple enemies makes sense, it fits into the growing puzzle that is the teens downstairs."

Steve nodded, his mouth too full of pancakes to answer.

In the brief lapse in conversation, the elevator dinged and out walked Tony. Looking like had slept at most, three hours. That potentially could explain why he was on their floor considering that the floor he shared with Bruce and Thor had its own kitchen area as well.

However it wasn't that rare an occurrence as Tony often looked for company after sleepless nights and he knew that Steve and Nat got up early, so here he was searching for coffee.

"Mornin' Cap, mornin' Tash" mumbled Tony all but incoherently as he made his way over to the coffee machine he had installed wherever there was a kitchen.

"Morning Tony", smiled Natasha going in for another pancake.

Sleep well?" Questioned Steve watching the inventor struggle to focus on how to correctly make a coffee in his sleep deprived state.

Tony merely shot him a look to answer his previous question.

Steve rolled his eyes before turning back to Natasha, "Those kids have been through a lot though", he mused, picking the conversation back up. "From the little they gave out about their childhoods to when we first saw them in the park, it seemed pretty rough."

"About their Childhoods?" questioned Tony between sips of a hot mug of coffee. "They're still kids, they're childhoods are now!"

"Still, its far too much death to be inconspicuous", said Natasha. Too much seemed to be coincidental when it came to the teens, meaning something else was at play. Since she had first met them, like Steve had pointed out, too much occurred around them for her to just believe it wasn't them or at least an external force.

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