We've never not killed anyone

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||Well....We've never not Killed Anyone

Leo stepped through the door to the weapons room last, following Tony and Bruce. The room, Leo observed, was essentially a storage room, filled with rows of daggers, guns, shield prototypes and other weapons like throwing stars and modified arrows. There was also weapons Leo couldnt identify in glass cases that sat beneath the rows lining the long thin walls.

As he followed Tony and Bruce deeper into the room, Leo noted how most of the weapons were simply for sparing, and though he didn't know much about the avengers in the first place, he would of thought that they would have more exciting weapons. Especially given the high tech nature of the tower.

Sat in the far left corner of the room, was a glass lift that was clearly private as it only had three buttons on it. Being as curious as he always is, Leo wondered aloud where it went as he could not make out the numbers on the buttons.

"The lift?.. uh.. It goes to the Labs, the workshops and mine, Tony and Thors floor" answered Bruce in his usual way, as if he was still shocked the demigods would speak to him.

"Labs and Workshops?" asked Leo. Piper had mentioned them in passing when she was telling the rest of the demigods about what she had fond out about the tower but Leo's curiosity had peaked again when Bruce brought them back up.

"Yep", said Tony as he came to stop in the middle of the long room, which Leo had realised spanned the width of the training floor.

"Floors 20 to 26 are the Labs. Less grade-school science –though mixing chemicals goes on—and more research into materials for the best tech. From everyday stuff to our suits and weapons. We're also researching alternate energy courses that are more planet friendly than fossil fuels" explained Tony as he watched Leo look around the room.

"And the Workshops?"

"Well, thats the place we build and test what we research in the labs" replied Tony. "Floor 27 to 30 is allocated workshop space, its layout is actually similar to the training floor, its basically this massive open space that takes up roughly three floors and its full of really cool tech".

Leo nodded along to Tony as he spoke, gesturing to the walls filled with weapons he asked with genuine interest, "So whats all of this then, in like detail?"

Smiling down at the teen in front of him, Tony couldnt help but like the curious boy. It was clear he was very observant, much like the rest of the teens in fact, but Tony noted how Leo's attention seemed to be more sporadic, but sharp nonetheless.

It was perfect for spotting flaws in tech and suits as Leo seemed to pay attention to everything and nothing all at once. Always filtering information for the most useful things.

"Well this is Weapons Room One" answered Bruce, "The weapons in here are mainly used for training but some of the daggers and arrows are actually used on missions as well".

Leo frowned, wrinkling his nose as he went over to examine some of the daggers, they were very similar to the ones he had made back at camp. 'Why train with weapons your not going to use?"

It was Bruces time to frown, Leo had made a very valid point. Sure it had crossed the minds of the two scientists before, but they had never really acted on it.

"I'm not really sure kid" said Tony after a short pause, "I do give the team the weapons we build for them, but I guess if they want to do some light sparing this stuff is already here Plus its a good way to keep track of what works for them".

Leo nodded again, he still thought it was a little stupid, but the Avengers didn't train everyday like the demigods, and there was a whole cabin back at camp full of random stuff so he couldnt be too hypocritical.

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