Ominous Messages and Death

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Ominous messages and Death

The demigods sat in silence as the Quinjet flew over the city. Making the 15 minute walk to 8th Avenue a short 5 minute flight.

The teens sat where they had sat before, Hazel and Leo were next to Clint and Steve and strapped in directly opposite them was Piper and Nico. Natasha was in the cockpit flying the jet in the absence of Tony.

The atmosphere in the aircraft was tense, leading neither Clint or Steve to try pressure any information out of the kids. Clint noticed how tense the teens were to be flying again, even with no lighting or thunder this time round.

He wasn't sure if that fact eased the kids or made them more tense, but he took it as a sign that he could rule out the kids being the cause of the strange storm that had occurred before.

The demigods however were not okay with the lack of thunder, even though you would think it would be a relief to them. It didn't stop that horrible, unshakeable feeling from growing in Hazel's stomach as they flew. All she knew, was something had to be very wrong if Zeus was too busy to try actively shoot down two children of Hades.

Within moments of the Quinjet taking off, it had reached 36th street on 8th Avenue. In the Street below, Tony was herding some Civilians away from a burning office building behind them. The building wasnt completely up in flames but the top floor had thick black smoke billowing out it.

Along the Street, police officers were putting out barriers to block off curious civilians from getting too close and a small squadron of firefighters were beginning to tackle the flames.

Natasha landed the Quinjet within the barriers the police had put across the street, as soon as the wheels had touched the ground and the hatch had opened Tony was over to them and Steve was asking for an over-view of the situation.

"A Gang set the building alight from the inside with a small bomb a few minutes ago. I had J.A.R.V.I.S. scan the building and he picked up around twenty heat signals given off in there, so it could be a potential hostage situation" fired Tony rapidly, his voice metallic sounding though his suit. "I also had the police give us some time, but as soon as we leave they're going in so we need to take out any potential threats and they can deal with the Civilians".

Steve nodded as he listened to all the information Tony was giving him. "Alright team, listen in. Secure the building exists, if you see any clear aggressors, call for back up immediately, we don't know what we're walking into so we shouldn't take any chances. And you kids, Stay here, and keep the civilians away".

"That wasn't part of the deal" protested Piper.

"We'll handle the situation better if you guys stay here safe in the street" said Tony not leaving any space for an argument. "I'll take care of fire from the inside, help the firefighters out and see what I can find or salvage from up there". Continued Tony as he turned and then flew towards the building, entering it at the 3rd floor.

"Let's go Avenger's!" Barked Steve as he turned an ran towards the burning Office building, his shield raised and the other Avengers running close behind him.

The demigods watched from where they still stood, on the descended hatch of the Quinjet.

"They are going to get a nasty shock when we have to actually go into battle alongside them" said Hazel rolling her eyes, her mortal dagger gripped fiercely in her hand.

Piper nodded in agreement as she subconsciously surveyed the streets around them. At first glance, she only saw the scared civilians, the police officers, the firefighters and some news crews that had shown up to cover the action, but that gnawing feeling was back in her stomach. Imminent danger! It screamed and Piper was one to listen to her instincts.

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