The End of the World pt.4

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//Same trigger warnings as chapter before x//

The laughter was twisted, without humour and chilling.

Piper could only describe the sound as demonic -it sent shivers rolling down her spine and caused the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She didn't need Demigod intuition to know this was very, very, very bad.

Percy had made his way over to where Piper stood with Thalia, Annabeth and Katie, looking battle worn and weary. His orange Camp Half-blood shirt was torn and his breastplate was bloody.
The question hung in the air but Piper didn't need to ask who the voice was, who was laughing.

A lot of Demigods has heard the voice before, be it in premonitions, dreams or at the Battle of New York. There was no mistake in who was laughing so coldly.

Because in his grief, Nico had ripped a whole in the Storms prison.

This was when they appeared. Slinking out of the shadows with manic grins on their faces.

The two women rose into the air as they walked, gliding above the torn field till they came to a stop over the largest chasm in the centre of the field.

The woman on the right had deep dark skin that glowed and rippled when she moved. She was dressed in full Greek armour, though Piper could spot what appeared to be a camouflage tank top under her Celestial bronze breastplate. In her hands she held a Greek shield and a long bloody spear.

The other woman, to the left was also dressed in amour ready for the battle, though she didn't wear a helmet, instead her brown hair fell freely down her back. Her skin was pale, made even paler by her eyes that held no whites and no colour. Leaving only a blackness that gleamed disconcertingly in the sunlight. In her left hand she held a Stygian iron longsword.

A murmur went up amongst the Demigods and the Hunters. These were the Gods that had been helping the mortals.

The said Gods seemed to bask in the uncertainty and fear they had created since appearing on the battle field, that was until Percy shouted "Who are you again?? Its kinda hard to keep up with all the weird looking ones?".

The first one sneered, practically hissing as she brandished her spear in his direction. "Insolent Sea Spawn! I'll teach you to not know your betters! I am Enyo Goddess of War and Destruction and my sister, Eris, Goddess of Discord and Strife!"


"You pitiful half breeds have failed! As the Prophecy stated one of your own would weaken the Storms cage and help us herald in the new regime. We will issue in the new era. One of War and—"

"—Let me guess.... Discord?" shouted out Leo, earning a deadly glare from Enyo.

"The Son of Hades has doomed you all! In his pathetic sadness he put you all at risk! We need to do nothing more but open the rift he created fully and—"

"—Wait? The prison isn't fully open?" Called out Thalia. "So that means, technically speaking, we've not lost". She did raise a very good point.

"Yet!" Cried Eris, her brown hair flying all around her as she spread her hands out, palms facing the chasm bellow her. "You mortals have nothing to stop us with! Welcome to the end of times!"

And then together the Goddesses began to chant, Ancient Greek pouring swiftly out of their mouths and from deep within the chasm the rocks began to glow golden. The laughter returned, louder and much more diabolical.

Certain doom seemed imminent.

Zemo smirked up at Steve from where he had been thrown to the ground. His mouth was bloody and his nose (and a fair few ribs) were broken. "No matter how hard you fought you were always destined to lose! Fate was on my side! You will die in my new—"

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