The End Of The World pt 3

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(mild trigger warning for gore (same as last chappy)

||The End of the World pt 3

Echidna loomed above the battle, towering over the Monsters, Hunters and Demigods as they fought.

The Hulk looked at where Titania had fallen, where he'd thrown her, and turned his attention to a new opponent. Echidna hissed as his eyes landed on her. With a smirk, the Hulk charged, pouncing on the Mother of Monsters and landing a blow that sent her flying across the field.

She was quick to regain her footing, more pissed off than damaged.

Thor continued the assault, sending blast of lighting after lighting at Echidna, as she slithered and dodged out of the way. Moving like the worlds biggest, most revolting snake ever seen. Any attack that actually managed to land only seemed to bounce off her snakeskin and leathery wings, annoying her to no end, but not doing any real damage.

Clint pulled Will out of the way as Echidna's wing sliced the air where their heads had been a second before. Though the beast paid them no attention as it charged at Thor once more.

Clint notched three arrows at once and sent them flying. One. Two. Three. Pandai fell as him and Will got back to their feet. Clint had learnt quickly that the Pandai were equally as skilled at archery, if not slightly better, which wasn't the greatest news to realise.

Will rolled his shoulders back, notched another arrow and let it fly.

Annabeth and Piper had found themselves in a small team made up of Drew, Katie, Clarisse and Thalia. They were all covered in mud, blood (there's and others) and a whole bunch of monster dust having just finished taking out the lasts of the Dracanae.

Before any of them could catch a breath the Hydra let out a menacing hiss and sized them up, peering down at the girls with it's meant eyes as if they were tiny snacks.

The girls raised there weapons, sucking in deep breaths and trying to stay sharp and in the moment.
Thalia noticed that the Hydra had five more heads than she remembered it having at the start of the battle.

And each head was hissing menacingly.

Moving in complete sync, the kind that would only come to a group who have thought together many times before, the girls split into two.
Team A's goal was distract the heads and draw fire, while Team B  goal was try to kill the Hydra before it killed Team A.

"Hey you disgusting overgrown Rattlesnake!" called Drew, ducking out of the way as the Hydra attacked with a stream of acid. "Yeah, I'm talking to you! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" she commanded successfully, getting the attention of four out of the eleven heads.

Katie worked quickly, ensnaring the closest three heads to her in vines she grew from the earth. The Hydra roared and hissed, spraying acid in all directions as the other heads tried to help get itself free.

"Keep that Up!" shouted Thalia as she blocked some of the acid from singeing off her face with her shield. Raising her spear she sent an explosion of lighting back at the monster, which was struggling to fight off all the attacks as each head was focused on a different one.

The Hydra hissed again. Louder. Twisting its tail, landing a blow to Katie's midriff, sending the daughter of Demeter back a few meters, though she was quick to regain her footing.

The hydra twisted around again, freeing itself from the vines, Thalia barely managed to blast it back a few feet as one of the heads lunged to snatch up Drew in its jaws.

"Stop fighting back!" commanded Piper with all she could, it didn't work fully but the moment of confusion from the Hydra was enough time for Katie to capture the Hydra's tail in a swarm of Vines and Pansies.

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