An Actual Normal Fucking Day

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An actual normal fucking day... Well as normal as it gets around here.

Nearly five months had passes since the battle for the Mortal world at Mt St Helens. The demigods got on with their complicated lives and the Avengers, well, they were settling back into their old lives, just this time they could still see the monsters lurking.

The Gods had never taken away their gift of Clear sight and at first Natasha thought they had forgotten, but it became clear that the Avengers could keep the gift if they looked out for any demigods in trouble.

Steve and Nat stepped out of the Elevator onto floor 34 where Tony, like usual was using their coffee machine to make himself a mug.

The time on the clock was 6:35 am.

"You're getting slow old man" teased Natasha as she pulled her hair down from it's ponytail.

"I lapped you six times" replied Steve with a roll of his eyes.

The two of them had just come back from their morning run.

And for the most part, it was a pretty normal run.
Except it was normal in the sense that Natasha had taken down a Hellhound in central park, saving a lost kid who was traveling with a satyr.

The Satyr had personally thanked them and Steve had asked them if they needed help getting to Camp, in the end he paid for a taxi to take them to Delphi Strawberry farm (with Tony's money of course)

"Yeah you absolute fossil! Only six times! You should have lapped me at least 9" laughed Natasha sitting on one of the stools at the breakfast bar.

Steve opened the fridge grabbing the milk for himself and some yogurt for Nat.

Tony, though still zombie like with the lack of coffee, pulled out two bowls, an assortment of cutlery (from which Steve pulled two spoons) and then some cereal from the cupboards.

He grumbled morning to his friends as he drank his brew.

"Morning Tones" smiled Natasha, digging into the yogurt. "Finally crack the code of creating mechanical life?"

Tony frowned, he had not managed to bring to life the giant Metal Phoenix he had been making in his lab.

He had built an impressive frame for the bird, its mechanics were correct and it moved smoothly when it was on, but it was missing that spark...that think that made it alive.

Tony had no doubt that thing was magic, which he hadn't quite got to grips with... Yet.

However where he was struggling with magic and mechanical life, he had success in creating a model of the hidden floors he wanted to install into the tower.

Magic was just weird like that.

The elevator beeped as it opened onto the floor.

"I'm sure you'll get it soon" comforted Steve as he munched on his bowl of Frosties.

"Get what soon?" asked Clint as he made his way into the room, heading straight for the seat next to Natasha. He was wearing Mr Men pyjamas with fully blue slippers. He looked as if he had fallen out of bed mere minutes ago.

"Mechanical life" mumbled Tony, sending him a smile in greeting.

"Ahh, magic stuff" replied Clint with an understanding nod... though he never really understood magic when it was happening in front of him, let alone trying to figure it out. He had a lot of sympathy for Tony.

"I still can't believe about all the Monsters that are just lurking out there in the City, I mean, I went out to get some ice cream and had to take down a Snake woman thing!".

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