Rouge's curse

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As her vision cleared up, Rouge looks at herself now with claws, blood-red spots and fangs.

Rouge: What have you done to me?!

Wave: I changed you to who you are.

Rouge hears groaning and sees her servants were also affected by the spell.

Sticks: (Groans, Looks at Shadow and gasps) Shadow? I-is that you?

Shadow was different he looked monstrous.

Sticks: (Sees herself and gasps as she was a vampire)

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Sticks: (Sees herself and gasps as she was a vampire)

Shadow: (In a growling voice) Sticks? Oh, dearie.

Marine: Papa! Papa!! (Looks at herself and gasps as she was a vampire too)

Sonic: (In a growling voice like Shadow) Marine? (Gasps at himself, he was a werehog like Shadow)

Sonic: (In a growling voice like Shadow) Marine? (Gasps at himself, he was a werehog like Shadow)

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Marine: Papa? What happened? Why- You're... (chokes as she cries)

Sonic: (Comes up to Marine and comforts her) Shh... It's okay, Daddy's here.

Amy: (Sits up and gasps in shock, she was like Sonic and Shadow)

Rouge looks with horror as the servants look at her with fear in their eyes

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Rouge looks with horror as the servants look at her with fear in their eyes.

Rouge: Where's Tails, Cream, and Angel?

Enchantress: Tails and Angel are here but Cream's somewhere else.

Tails: (Groans, gasps at himself and then looks for Cream) Cream? Where's Cream?

Tails: (Groans, gasps at himself and then looks for Cream) Cream? Where's Cream?

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Enchantress: I'm sorry, I had to separate you and your wife. (Tails looks down and cries) You've found 99% of your servants only 1 remains.

Rouge: Chip? (Doesn't see him) Chip? 

Shadow: He's gone!

Rouge: Where is he?!

Enchantress: I don't need to answer that question, you need to find him yourself. The mirror can show you the outside world. The rose will be your clock, if you learn to love someone by the last petal: the spell will be broken, if not: you will be a vampire forever. Good luck, 'Princess'. (Fades away)

Marine: (Goes after her) Wait, what about us?! (Tries to catch her but fails and falls on her face) I'm okay!

Rouge went to her room and felt anger and ripped the painting of herself as the servants came up to her room. Shadow gasps at the painting as the others notice the sobbing princess. Marine came up from hiding behind her father and went to Rouge.

Marine: P-princess Rouge... (Rouge calms down and looks at Marine) Are... We gonna be okay?

Rouge: *Sniffles and wipes her tears* I don't think so, young Marine... I've curse you, your father, and everyone in here... And now I guess it's time to be who I really am... A monster.

As those words were said, the spell had spread all over the kingdom, making the land an eternal winter. Although it was the kingdom, the spell had reached the village where the villagers memories of the palace and it's residents fade away.

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