Unexpected things

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Sticks goes up to Rouge.

Sticks: Princess, you're not going to leave him there, are you?

Rouge: Of course I am.

Sonic: (Off-screen) What?! (On-screen) Princess Rouge, you know how he's young, he'll die by dawn! Give him a room or so help me-!

Rouge: Alright, but only because of your temper. (Walks to the prison)

Sonic: Hey! (Realizes) No, wait, you're right.

Rouge: Why should I help him? He rejected me at the party.

At the prison...

Knuckles: (Cries) I'll stay strong and escape... I promise... (Gasps and hears Rouge opening the door)

Rouge: Get up, time to go your room.

Knuckles: But I thought...

Rouge: I thought you'd be more comfy in a warmer place.

As they walk Knuckles smells something in the air and goes to where it is without Rouge knowing.

Rouge: (Opens a door to a room) Okay, this is your room so- (Sees Knuckles isn't with her and Sighs) When I get my hands on him... (Goes to find Knuckles)

Knuckles was following the smell with his really good nose. When he went in the dining room he saw a nicely laid out dinner.

Knuckles: Whoa, that's a lot of food but I better not be greedy, (Takes a bread roll) I guess a roll will do.

Rouge: (Off-screen) Where are you?! You can run but you can't hide

Knuckles: Talk about bad temper... (Hears a giggle) Who said that?

Marine: (Off-screen) I did! (Come in view) It's okay, I don't bite. G'day, mate. 

Knuckles: (Shocked) You're a vampire.

Sonic: (Off-screen then comes on-screen with Amy and Sticks) Marine! There you are! How many times to I have to tell- (Sees Knuckles and stops) Oh.

Sticks: Hola! Looks like you've seen a gho- (Gets slapped by Amy) -Ow!

Amy: Of course, it does! He's talking to werecreatures and vampires.

Knuckles: This isn't real. How can-?! (Doors open to reveal an angry Rouge)

Rouge: There you are! Where were you!?

Knuckles: (Can't take any more of this and faints)

Sticks: Nice going! You scared him to death! (Amy slaps her again)

Amy: It wasn't just Rouge, Sticks. We might startled him too.

Rouge looks at Knuckles and picks him up as the others argue. She held him close and open the door to his room with her foot and placed him on the bed before staring at him for a moment. Knuckles must've been hungry and she didn't even think about it, making her realized why he wasn't with her. Soon, she left the room, looking at him as she closes the door.

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