A frightening nightmare

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Knuckles yawns after he had 3 cookies and decides to get some sleep.

Sonic: (Leaves the room with his daughter) Try to get some sleep, okay?

Marine: G'night, mate.

As Cream goes to the dresser to sleep and Shadow leaves with the Speedstar family, Knuckles settles down before looking out the window. 

Knuckles: Heh... Look like the snow's calming down... (Falls asleep)

In his dream, silhouettes of men and women are seen at what look like a party.

Knuckles: What? Where am I? (Walks around before bumping into someone that wasn't like the others) Oh, sorry.

???: Don't be. I wouldn't be mad at someone that's handsome as you.

Knuckles: (Blushes) Uhh... Thanks.

As they both started to dance, Knuckles thinks to himself: Who is she? Why does it feel like I've been here before? Why does she look really familiar?

Suddenly, the music stopped as the lights dimmed and wind blew from the doors.

Knuckles: What the heck?

???: It's alright, everything will be o-(Gets grabbed by an unknown force)

Knuckles: (Grabs her and tries to keep his grip) Don't take her! Let go! (Loses his grip) No! (Awakens) What was that? Who was she? Why was that force there? Why- Why did she seem so familiar?

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