A path of dismay

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Knuckles and Charmy are doing what they normally do when they hear a neigh in the distance and sees Espio on Fawn but they aren't with Vector.

Charmy: Espio! Fawn!

Knuckles: What happened? Where's Father?

Espio: (Pants) Wolf attack... Lost Vector... Need to go back...

Charmy: Oh boy, oh boy, Knuckles; get the cloaks.

Knuckles goes in and gets 3 cloaks each in the colors red, purple, and yellow when he gets out he sees Fiona trying to pet Fawn as Espio restrains Charmy from making a fight break out.

Fiona: Knuckles. I'm sorry about yesterday, that wasn't nice of me, you want to make it up by going out?

Knuckles: Fine... But only after me, Espio and Charmy find my father. (Gets on Fawn with Espio and Charmy and rides off)

Fiona: Or I can have your hand...

Espio takes Charmy and Knuckles to the place where he and Vector were and sees the wagon and hope Vector's there but has no luck. Espio then stops Fawn as he looks up in shock.

Charmy: Espio?

Knuckles: Fawn?

They both look up and see the same castle Vector had seen.

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