A risky trade

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The trio enter the castle after finding some stables for Fawn. Espio opens the door.

Espio: Hello? (Enter in with the others)

Charmy: Vector! Are you in here!?

Espio quickly covered Charmy's mouth.

Espio: Keep it down, you never know what could be lurking in here.

Meanwhile, Amy was talking Sticks out.

Amy: I can't believe you let in a stranger!

Sticks: Come on, Amy. He needed help!

Amy: Really? By scaring him?!

Knuckles hears this and goes to where they are.

Sticks: Well, sor-ry. I was only trying to help. That could've been someone's-.

Knuckles: (Off-screen) Father?

Sticks: Did you hear that? (Sees Knuckles) It's a male echidna!

Amy: Sticks, I know it is... A familiar one too.

Sticks: Oh quiet, there were lots of men that night. (Goes after the trio) Now, come on!

Amy: Wait, do want to make Rouge mad again?!

Sticks: I'll take my chances. (Goes after them)

Espio: Vector!

Vector: (Off-screen) G-guys?

Charmy: Vector!

They 3 go up the stairs to the dungeon and see Vector in a cage. 

Knuckles: *Sighs* Thank Chaos, you're okay. A little cold, but ok.

Charmy: Hang on, we'll get you out! (Goes to the door latch)

Vector: (Grabs Charmy) Knuckles, get outta here with the others! The castle's dangerous! Go, before the monster finds you all here!

Espio: Who?

A hiss is heard echoing the walls.

Knuckles: Who's there? 

???: The Princess of the castle.

Charmy: Let him outta here!

???: Why? He trespassed my home and broke in.

Charmy: For trying to stay warm!

???: Can it, little bug! I don't take orders from anyone.

Knuckles: We find him dying and you have the guts tell us the he tresspassed?!

Knuckles gets caught in the throat by a clawed hand and pins him to the wall and Rouge revealed herself in the moonlight holding Knuckles. Knuckles gasps at this and Charmy hides behind Espio in fear.

Rouge: Don't talk to me like that, knowing your in my home.

Vector: Please... Don't hurt him... Let him go... (Coughs)

Knuckles: (Struggling to get out of Rouge's grip) We won't... Leave you... (To Rouge) Take me instead...

Vector, Espio and Charmy: What?! (Charmy faints)

Rouge: (Releases her grip on Knuckles) You'd take his place? If so, then swear you'll be here.

Knuckles: I-I swear...

Rouge opens the cage and Knuckles goes in and hugs the others.

Vector: Knuckles, you don't have to do this. (Gets grabbed by Rouge along with Espio and Charmy) Knuckles!

Knuckles: Wait...!! (Door slams before he could do anything) Father, I love you! (Starts to cry)


Espio: Please spare him and his life.

Rouge: He made his choice. (Throws them out as a werecreature takes them to the village)

Knuckles saw this and finally let's his tears flow and didn't bother to wipe them knowing he'll be in his prison for a long time.

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