Final Battle and Ending

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At the West Wing, Fiona sneak attacks Rouge with a crossbow and the vampire tumbles down but catches a pillar and gets a grip. Fiona tries to fire another arrow but notices she doesn't have any and turns to see Knuckles holding them.

Knuckles: (Breaks the arrows) Where is she?!

Fiona: (Takes out a pistol) When we get back, you'll marry me.

Knuckles: Never! (Tries to take the pistol but accidentally throws it to a different location)

Fiona: (Rushing after Rouge) I'm comin' for you, monster!

Knuckles: No!

Rouge: Knuckles? (Sees him) Knuckles! You're back!

Knuckles: I tried to stop her!

Rouge: Hang on! I'm coming! (Goes after Knuckles and tries to evade Fiona's attacks)

Knuckles: (Follows where Rouge is going) Fiona! No! Stop!

Rouge: (Had enough and holds Fiona by the shirt collar) Get out. Get out knowing you only do because I let you. The monster. (Releases Fiona who is playing possum and prepares to take a leap of faith)

Knuckles: No! It's too far!!

Rouge: (Jumps and barely makes it until Espio and Charmy arrive and help her) Whew! (Gets shot in the back by Fiona)

Knuckles: *Gasps in horror*

Fiona: (Sees the roof crumbling and falls to her death, screaming)

Sonic, Sticks, and Amy arrive to see them.

Rouge: (Dying) Y-you... Came back.

Knuckles: Of course, I didn't want to let her hurt you. (Starts to cry)

Rouge: Maybe it's better this way. At least.... I got to see you... For the last time... (Dies of the shot)

Knuckles: No! No-no-no-no! (Tears fall) Don't leave me! I love you!

The last rose petal in the bell jar falls as the servants looked sad at their Princess' death. Charmy sobbed his eyes out as Espio looked down in sadness.

A stream of light is then seen as Rouge is lifted off the ground and changes back to normal.

Rouge: (Is revived and sees herself happy to know she's back to normal) Knuckles... I-I'm back! (Kisses him by surprise by he happily returns it as the castle changes back to normal)

The servants change back to normal as Espio and Charmy's memories of being at the castle return to them.

Sticks: It's a miracle!

Knuckles picked up Rouge and are later seen in the ballroom hosting a party after the mob and Vector had gained their memories back.

Sticks: Ah, love. (Feel a feather duster on her face and sees Shadow holding it and she giggles mischievously as she starts to go after him but get stopped by Amy)

Amy: Well, Sticks, Old friend, can we let bygones be bygones.

Sticks: Sure, mi amiga, I told you that he could break the spell.

Amy: Uh, I told you.

Sticks: No, I did!

Amy: No, you didn't crazy badger.

Sticks: En Guardia, stubborn hedgehog! (Fights Amy)

Amy: (Fighting Sticks) Take that!

As they fought, Silver rolled his eyes after being reunited with his wife: Amy. Vector wiped a tear from his eye watching his adopted son grow so fast and wishes Knuckles' real parents were here to see this. Espio, Charmy, and Chip were happy for their best friends. Blaze was happy to have her husband and daughter back with her.

Marine: Will they live happily ever after, Mama?

Blaze: Of course, dear Marine. Of course.

Marine: Papa, do I still have to drink blood?

Sonic: (Laughs as he picks up his daughter and watches Cream (with Angel in her arms) and Tails doing the music)

Cream Prower: Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Knuckles and the Vampire

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Knuckles and the Vampire


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