Knuckles' true origins and a shady deal

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After the fiasco, Rouge and Knuckles became close friends and at that time, Rouge had started to change her personality becoming sweet, kind and sisterly. Rouge (in warm clothes) is seen reading a book under a tree in the snow. Knuckles (who is also dressed warm) comes over to her.

Knuckles: Rouge? What are you reading?

Rouge: (closes and tries to hide the book) Uh, nothing.

Knuckles: (Sees the title) 'King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table'?

Rouge: Ugh, why does that hardly work?

Knuckles: (Chuckles and hears the castle staff) They seem to be having fun.

Rouge: Yeah, but when I go in, it just... Dies.

Knuckles: You're not the only one, when I go out of my home; laughter fades. People think I'm funny but I don't really think it's much of a complement.

Rouge: What do you think we run off somewhere?

Knuckles: Huh?

Later on, Rouge is seen taking out a book from the library.

Rouge: A little gift from The Enchantress. A book that takes really makes you escape. It's the cruelest trick of all of them. I can't go out because of me being a Vampire. But it might be for you. Now then, think of the one thing you've always wanted: you'll find in your mind's desire and pure heart. 

Knuckles thinks of his biological parents and they go to a city called Knothole which is also Knuckles' home land.

Rouge: Where are we?

Knuckles: Knothole.

Rouge: Oh, I love Knothole. What do you wanna see? The Great Oak Slide? The Berry Bush Forest? (Notices Knuckles isn't listening to her) Knuckles?

Knuckles: It's a lot smaller than I thought... (Starts to sing)

This is the Knothole of my childhood, these were the borders of my life.
In this crumbling, dusty attic where an artist loved his wife.

 (Picks up and emerald shaped rattle)

Easy to remember, harder to move on; knowing the Knothole of my childhood is gone (Ends singing)

Rouge: What did happened to your real parents?

Knuckles: That's the one story my adopted Father: Vector didn't tell. Me, Espio and Charmy knew better than to ask.

Rouge: (Sees and picks up a doctor's mask and gasps) The Plague of Knothole.

Flashback-16 years ago

A doctor is operating on Knuckles' biological father: Locke, who is coughing and eventually dies.

Doctor: (turning to a young adult Vector) You must leave, now.

Young adult Vector goes to Knuckles' mother: Laura and sees her dying. Laura was Vector's best friend and hated to see her suffering.

Laura: Quickly, Vec. Before it takes him too. (Kisses an emerald shaped rattle as if giving one last goodbye kiss to her son and dies)

Young adult Vector then picked up the crying infant Knuckles and took him to the same village where he grew up in to keep him safe.

Flashback ends.

Rouge: I'm so sorry.

Knuckles: (Sniffles) Let's head back.

Rouge nods and they head back to the castle.

Back in the village, after hearing of Vector, Espio and Charmy come back. Fiona decided to talk to the asylum man to take Vector to the asylum.

 Fiona decided to talk to the asylum man to take Vector to the asylum

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Asylum man: I don't usually leave the asylum at 12 at night.

Fiona: (Throws a bag of money at him) Eggman, I want you to take Knuckles' father away. 

Eggman: So, you want me to throw into the asylum unless agrees to marry? Oh, that is despicable. (Evil laugh) I love it! (Laugh evilly before coughing and back to laughing)

Meanwhile, in Knuckles' cottage, Vector, Espio and Charmy are getting ready to go back into the forest to find Knuckles.

Espio: Vector, this is a dumb idea.

Charmy: Come on Esp. If no one will help us, then we have to do it ourselves. (Leaves with the others)

Fiona and Tangle in carriage pull up at the cottage and realize that the boys left.

Fiona: (Holds Tangle by the shirt collar) Stay here and tell me when they're back. (Releases her harshly)

Tangle: Wait! (Sees Fiona gone) Aw, nuts! (Gets covered in a snowbank) Double nuts!!

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