A danger to the castle

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Knuckles: Guys! Guys! (Gasps as he sees them and returns back home with them)

Tangle: (Appears out of nowhere) Oww... They're back! (Goes off to find Fiona)


Vector: (Awakens seeing Knuckles) Ugh... Knux?

Knuckles: Shh... It's okay, I'm back.

Vector: (Realizes it is him and hugs him with Espio and Charmy) We thought we lost you!

Knuckles: I missed you all so much.

Espio: But... That vampire. How were you able to escape?

Knuckles: She didn't. She let me go.

Charmy: That monster?!

Knuckles: It's okay, Charmy, she changed somehow. (Hears shuffling and sees Chip and Marine at the bedroom door)

Chip: Hi! (Goes over with the others)

Knuckles: Oh, stowaways.

Charmy: (To Marine) Hel-lo there, lady. Where have you been all my life?

Marine: Knuckles, why'd you leave, mate? Don't you like us anymore?

Knuckles: Aw, Marine. Of course I do, it's just- (Hears knocking at the door)

Espio: (Goes to the door) Stay here. (Opens the house door revealing Dr. Eggman) Can I help you?

Eggman: I came to get the crocodile.

Charmy: (Appears with Knuckles) Vector? Who are you?

Eggman: I am Dr. 'Eggman' Robotnik. And don't worry, kid. (Motions a asylum cart) We'll take good care of him.

Charmy: Vector isn't crazy.

Tangle: (In the mob) He was raving like a lunatic!

Vector: (Appears) Guys?

Tangle: Vector! How tall was the vampire?

Vector: Like I'll tell you! (Gets taken by Eggman's goons) Whoa! Hey! Let go of me!

Knuckles: No!

Fiona: (Appears) Oh, poor Knuckles. There's only 1 way to save him. If...

Knuckles: If what?

Fiona: If you marry me.

Charmy: What the heck?!

Fiona: 1 small word, red. That's all it takes.

Espio: He'll never do that!

Knuckles: Yeah!

Fiona: Have it your way.

Vector: Let go of me! Help!

Knuckles: My father isn't crazy and I can prove it! (To the mirror he had) Show me Rouge! (The mirror shows Rouge sad as the mob gasps) No, wait! She wouldn't hurt anyone! Rouge may seem dangerous but she's sweet, kind, and she's my friend.

Fiona: If I didn't know better I think you had feelings for this monster.

Charmy: She's no monster, Fiona.

Knuckles: Yeah! You are! (Gasps at what he said) Uh-oh.

Fiona: He's as crazy as the croc. (Takes the mirror) She'll make off with you kids and suck their blood at night!

Espio: NO!

Fiona: We aren't safe until she's gone! I say we kill her!

Knuckles: (Tries to stop her) No! We won't let you do this!

Knuckles and The VampireWhere stories live. Discover now