A smart Alek

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As Knuckles laid in bed his head facing the ceiling, he was recalling his dream. It was so real and life-like. He sat up looking at the rising sun and then at the wardrobe where Cream slept in was still napping. He closed the curtains quietly to prevent Cream waking up. He went out of his room and quietly walk through the castle, it gave him a familiar feeling but he couldn't remember. As he walked, he saw the room had all kinds of stones built the place, He saw a door that enter a ballroom of some kind. A piano had been seen with a stool as if it was ready to be played.

As Knuckles was checking out the palace, Rouge awoke and went to Knuckles' room, she had a weird dream of her being normal. She knocked on the door that woke up Cream.

Cream: (Off-screen) Who is it?

Rouge: It's Rouge, Cream. Is he awake?

Cream: (Off-screen) Uh... He must've woke up before I did. I can't find him in here, sorry.

Rouge: (Leaves the door and sighs) I swear every time... (Goes to a balcony door that has a view of the ballroom and sees Knuckles there)

Knuckles: (Siting on the bench) I guess I can't recall. But people were here, maybe there were people here before all those vampires and werecreatures came in. (Hears footsteps and sees Rouge unimpressed on the stairwells)

Rouge: Last time it was years ago. You're a sneaker. You did make a promise and-.

Knuckles: I wasn't planning too. People assume I say things but there's more to things than words.

Rouge: Wow, smart Alek. If you're hungry, there's breakfast in the dining hall.

Knuckles: Oh...

Meanwhile, Vector, Espio, Charmy, Fiona, and Tangle were in a carriage with Vector directing them where to go.

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