A rotten truth

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As the group continue to find Knuckles, Fiona gets annoyed and thinks that Vector is lying until they reach the tree.

Charmy: There it is! Come on!

Fiona: (Enters the path with the others) What the?

Tangle: Brr. You went kidding, it's nose-freezing cold here. (Looks out of the carriage window with Espio and both get hit by a snow mound) Snowy too. (Puts head back in window with Espio, the lemur having a snow Santa beard and hat with Espio having an up-do)

Charmy: (Hears howling) Ahh! Wolves! (Flies off)

Tangle: (Shakes the snow off her head along with Espio) "Let's bring the kid" you said. "He'll be okay" you said.

Fiona: You prefer to have a child at home alone? Trust that he'll look after the house?

Tangle: A kid's safety is better than leaving it home alone.

Vector: It's okay, guys. I got him. (Shows he's holding Charmy before giving him to Espio)

Espio: Stay on guard. Those wolves are viscous when they attacked me and Vector.

Tangle: Good idea.

Charmy: Uh... Guys were on thin ice now. The wolves are coming back and we still didn't find the palace.

Fiona: Well, since we know the forest is real; let's just think the palace is fake until the wolves go home.

Vector: No! We're staying until we find Knuckles.

Fiona: Just... Accept it: Knuckles is gone, okay? (Sneak attacks Vector and knocks him, Espio and Charmy out, later ties the up at a tree after getting out of the forest) This'll teach them. (Grabs a weary Tangle and goes into the carriage and rides off, cackling)

Wave appears and unties the rope as Vector and Espio wake up and she picks up Charmy and places him down and then makes a tea for him.

Wave: (Seeing Charmy wake up and helps him drink the tea) Here. Drink. (Charmy drinks the tea slowly so his mouth won't burn)

Espio: Thank you, Wave.

What they all didn't know that Wave was The Enchantress and tells them that Knuckles will be ok.

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