Questions with answers

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The sound of the wind awakens Knuckles with a start as he puts his hand over his chest.

Knuckles: *Sighs* It was only a drea-(Stops when he sees the scenery) Ugh, still here. (Hears snoring and goes to a dresser and opens it revealing Cream asleep, he touches her lightly and wakes her)

Cream: (Also a vampire) Oh, you're awake! Hi there, I'm Cream Prower, but please call me Cream.

Knuckles: Ok, 1st a vampire raccoon, a blue werehog, a pink werehog, and vampire badger talk to me and now a vampire rabbit, a cute one but dangerous. Now what? A black werehog talks to me?!

The door opens to reveal Shadow entering in the room.

Shadow: (Sees Knuckles and closes the door) Oh, you're awake. I was worried we had you dead.

Knuckles: Spoke too soon... Wait, how did I get here? The last thing I remember was the dining hall.

Cream: Oh, Rouge: The Princess brought you here after you passed out.

Shadow: (Nods in agreement) And that was all, we're sorry for her actions.

Knuckles: (Looks down) Oh... (Thinks) She... Carried me here?

Shadow: Hey, are you alright?

Knuckles: Yeah, just trying to process this information.

Shadow: I know, it's hard to take in new things.

The door opens again to reveal Sonic with a tray.

Sonic: Oh, hey Knucklehead, we came in to say sorry and since you seemed attracted to the smell of the food we thought you might want some tea...

Marine: (Appears from her father's quills) And cookies!

Knuckles: Oh, that's nice of you. (Takes a cookie and eats it as he does he thinks) I still have questions but those can wait until tomorrow.

Knuckles and The VampireWhere stories live. Discover now