Gather around the odd trio

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Meanwhile, Vector, Espio, and Charmy (who was awake) have been dropped off at the village by the werecreature. They knew one girl who could handle a job like theirs but they didn't have to like it. On their way, they met Silver Rose: another merchant.

Silver: Vector, what are you and Espio doing back so early?

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Silver: Vector, what are you and Espio doing back so early?

Vector: Where's Fiona? We need her help! Fiona!

Silver: Vector, calm down, (Touches him) oh my emeralds, your freezing!

Vector: Not now, Silver! We need Fiona!

Silver: Just calm down and tell us what happened. Where's Knuckles?

Espio: Well, Knuckles is... He's...

Charmy: He's captured! (Covers his mouth as the tavern people gasp in shock)

Silver: Captured by who?

Charmy: In a castle, a vampire princess is keeping him there. (Does body language) She had blood-red spots on her fur, sharp fangs, and powerful claws!

Silver: How did you guys escape?

Vector: It was me that was there. A trade had to be done. My own child: Knuckles had to stay to make me live.

Silver: Poor Knuckles...

Espio: I know...

One of the crowd people: *Laughs* Good one, Knuckles trapped in a tower.

Espio: It's not a story and stop laughing right now.

Fiona: (Appears from the crowd) Knuckles in a tower.

Vector: (Rushes over to Fiona) Fiona! *Sigh* There you are.

Fiona: If I overheard right, Knuckles was captured, right?

Charmy: Aparently!!

Fiona: (Thinking that she could use Vector to get Knuckles for herself) Alright then, Tangle, let's go!

Tangle: I'm comin', I'm comin'. Geez. (Stops when she sees a purple swallow) Oh, hi, I'm Tangle. What's your name?

Swallow: Wave, Wave the Swallow. I moved in here.

Tangle: Cute, good to see some faces here-(Gets grabbed by Fiona)-Hey! Maybe we can continue when I get back!

Fiona: So Vector, you said she's a vampire like Charmy said, right?

Vector: Yeah, she was a head shorter than Espio but was really strong.

Tangle: V-vampire?! I hate vampires...

Fiona: It's okay, Tangle. We got this.

As they leave into the forest, Knuckles will understand of how the creatures at the castle aren't dangerous.

Knuckles and The VampireWhere stories live. Discover now