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Next morning
both arnav and khushi was sleeping hugging each other, but sun rays disturbing khushi sleep so she snuggling more in to him and because of her this moving wakes arnav up . arnav wake up and see khushi sleeping peacefully in his arms.
Arnav's POV
Aww my cutie pie is sleeping peacefully in my arms. And only she has this right to hug me, kiss me , sleep in my arms no one else and only i have the right to hug kiss and make her sleep on one else and if any one dare to come close to my jaan then they have to bare the consequences too. because she is my most priced possession and i have kept her wraps in feather so that no harm reach her. But now a days my so called family try to broke my feathers around my jaan o i have to take care of this matter personally but before i have to know that for what reason maya has come and my family blindly trusting her.
after coming out of his thought arnav went to washroom to get ready for office.
after coming out  he was standing in front of  mirror that when he felt two arms wrapping around his trouser. Then he by holding her arm stand her in front of him and hug her and say.
ASR , so my shona is very sleeping.
khushi , hmm but you were not there na so my sleep broke.
ASR , ok now when you are up now go and get ready for college and your exams are also starting from tomorrow na.
khushi , yup and i hate exam why god made this exams. said with sad pout.
he peck her pout and said.
ASR , but baby exam thought us how to our struggle get her fruitful result and if we work hard na to get some thing then we get our desired fruit. ok  and this is your last exams na then you will do your internship and then you will become designer which is your dream.
khushi , but arnav i don't want to do internship in other company.
ASR , and who said that you will work in other  company. khushi you are the wholesome owner of AR Group of companies jaan. ok now enough of talks go get ready.
After when khushi went to fresh up arnav get a call from aman.
Phone Conservation

ASR , yes aman.
aman , morning ASR , sir there are some problem in London deal you have to go there to crack the deal for 1 week.
ASR , WHAT THE HELL !! aman i can't go to london tomorrow for 1 week from tomorrow jaan exam will started cause of that she will not able to come with me and i can't leave her alone because now a day i can't trust my family with jaan.
aman , i know ASR but there is no other choice.
ASR , ok aman i will confirm you about my decision after talking with khushi.
aman , ok ASR i will wait for your call.

Khushi came out from washroom getting ready when she saw a tensed arnav so she went to him and ask.
khushi , arnav what happen why you are looking so tense.
ASR , jaan now aman called and said that i have to go london due to one deal which need my presence so i have to go.
saying this arnav observe khushi face which is now fallen and eyes becomes teary. so he immediately said.
ASR , jaan no sshh stop no crying if you don't want then  i wil not go to london  nothing is ,ore important than you jaan.
khushi, for how many days?
ASR , 1 week. but jaan decision is yours if you want than i will go otherwise i will not go ok.
khushi , no arnav you go because i don't want that because of me you face lose.
cutted by arnav
ASR , no jaan nothing will because of you and i am earning this much only for you and if for one deal you become sad so their is no use for that deal ok.
khushi , no arnav i understand and i will be happy if you go and crack the deal and make me proud. And if because of me you will lose the deal then i will have this guilt that you lose this deal because of me. And arnav i want to become you strength not your weakness because of which you face lose. And i am that you are going because from tomorrow my exam are started then i will become busy that their is no chance that i will become sad. And if any time i will become sad then i face time with you or call you ok. uff how much speech you take this little jaan of yours that i am tired . and dramatically fall on arnav chest and hug him.

ASR , from when my little baby become so mature.
khushi , till when papa become immature. and start laughing.
ASR , acha baby is becoming naughty with papa. then papa also know how to stop baby's naughtiness. start tickling her.
she start laughing after sometime he stop and said.
ASR  , ok now baby come lets have breakfast and i also have to look of some documents and make some preparation for tomorrow going.
they went to dining and arnav announce of his plan and both went to their respective place.
all day passed like that in starting khushi was sad but then become normal.
ARNAV was getting ready for his departure and khushi was sitting in messy state and she woke up now and staring at him
ASR , baby i know i m handsome but why are you staring .
khushi blush after hearing this but then said. khushi , so what i m staring my own personal property.
ASR , han ha personal property. said with smirk.
khushi , yup my very own personal property and i only have the right on you so yes.
ASR , yes meri jaan your and only you has the right. ok now this is the time for my departure so take care of you if their is any problem then immediately call me ok. and i will always pick your call and always call you at night ok.
khushi , ok arnav but you also take care of you take your food and medicine on time and love you.
ASR  , love you more mera baby. and if you have any problem in college or house or anything to important to share and my phone are not reachable then call aman you have aman number right. he is my most trusted person and friend also without any hesitant call him ok. take care and now you sleep. saying this he pecked on her forehead and went from their and khushi sitting on bed with little teary eyes but then sleep.
At 9'o clock
all were having their breakfast including khushi also and as usuall all were talking with maya and pampering her son. seeing them pampering abhi she was remembering arnav how he pampered her always and she stand from her chair and was about to go then maya speak.
maya , khushi ji can you do me a favour.
khushi , what favour maya ji.
maya , that  abhi liked kheer and payal was saying that you makes kheer was amazing so can you make kheer for abhi.
khushi , (she feel uneasy but) ok maya ji now i have to go because today is my exam but after my return in night is that ok?
maya , no problem khushi i will wait for your kheer but sugar free ok.
khushi , ok.
after that khushi went for exam and other also start doing your work.
At night
All were sitting in hall after eating there dinner and chating waiting for kheer because khushi is making now for everyone. after some time khushi come with her kheer and gave them and was about to sit with them then mami asked.
mami , khushi bring a glass of water for me.
khushi , yes of course .
After giving water khushi went to her room then a call come on her phone that bring a bright smile.
khushi , arnavvv!!!
ASR , hello jaan and i can see that some one become very happy.
khushi , of course i will be happy because the person whom i m talking is the reason of my every happiness and my life.
arnav become happy listening that what he mean to him
ASR , and you are the reason to my existness. ok now tell me how was your paper doing well.
khushi , yes arnav paper was great and now will prepare for the next. and how was your deal doing.
ASR , deal going great and prepare well but sleep on time ok no late night preparation.
khushi , ok i will.
ASR , ok now tell me what i bring for my jaan.
khushi , your jaan only need you so come soon nothing else but my favourite chocolate ok.
ASR , ok my baby i will come soon and also bring chocolate too now prepare for your paper take rest also bye and love u.
khushi , love you too and take care.

guys sorry for late update but my paper was going on so could not able to update

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