part 55

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LATE NIGHT (1:30 am)

khushi was sleeping hugging arnav shirt when her sleep broke by hard knocking sound of door. she immediately woke up and open the door to see worried payal and asked.
khushi , payal jiji what happen. why you came at this time like this in worried form everything alright.
payal , khushi hurry up come we have to go to hospital cause abhi become ill suddenly.
khushi , what abhi!. suddenly what happen to him?
payal , i don't know khushi come we have to go come.
khushi , ok jiji wait i take my mobile and stole(duptta).
after that both reached to hospital in 30 min. but when they reached they faced angry family standing their and all were glaring khushi angrily.
maya angrily came and slapped khushi , payal who was standing beside khushi become shocked and after coming out of shock asked.
payal , what the hell maya why did you slapped khushi.
khushi who was shocked by turning of event was also looking for answer but become shocked and very hurt by hearing nani answer.

nani , she deserved this slapped payal bitiyan.
khushi , (with hurt and tears), why nani what i did that you are supporting an outsider over your family.
maya , wow khushi wow first you did mistake and now raising your voice against nani instead of saying sorry.
khushi , maya ji you stay out of it. i m talking to my family and you are no one to talk in between our talks. so stay in your limit. you are staying in our home as a guest so behave as that and not to try and family member and you how dare to slap me if was not in hospital so till now i throw you out of my house so behave yours and cut by a slap.
when khushi was talking to maya and showing her place all other member were becoming furious on khushi that how she is behaving with maya and when she said to throw her out so mami couldn't control and slap khushi with full force that her lip start bleeding.

mami , how dare you khushi that you are talking to maya in this tone and first because of you abhi is in hospital .
khushi was shocked and mostly hurted that for an outsider her family behaving like this with her like she is outsider and maya is their family then asked.
khushi , what i did mami that i deserve your this behaviour.
mami , you are asking from us khushi. ok leave it i will tell you. maya told you that abhi is diabetic and he doesn't take sugar in kheer than why you gave him kheer in which sugar is added. and because of you his life was in danger thanks to god we have take him to hospital on right time otherwise we don't know what will happen to him. then what answer we will gave to maya that because our arnav bitwa pamper her wife so much that she become spoilt brat and we are sorry from her side.

nani , shame on khushi that you put abhi life in risk. now also when you came to know your mistake also you are not saying sorry to maya and standing like you didn't do anything wrong.
khushi , yes nani ji i m not saying sorry because i know that i didn't gave him sugared kheer. and i don't know how this happen and may be someone put herself so that she blame me so sorry to say nani i will not wrong in this. (say eyeing to maya)

maya , sorry nani ji from now on i can't stay in your house because their abhi life is in risk. and khushi i don't know why you did this but please don't harm my abhi life for you jealously that i m arnav past. please abhi is the only person i have. i have no one except abhi. (and start crying fake)
khushi was shocked to see her drama then remember arnav talk before going that stay away from maya she can go to any extent in her anger and jealously. so she just see her in disgust.

nani , no maya bitiya you are not going any where but instead of you khushi will remain in her room and will not come infront of you. (to khushi), khushi you will stay in your room after coming from your college and not come out from room. hp will gave you your food in your room untill chotte will not come and he will decide what punishment we gave you.
khushi seeing all with disgust and were turn to going to   home then turn and said to all.
khushi , you people are such disgusting people and miss maya surely arnav will come decide the punishment but think whom he will gave the punishment me or ! you people are wise enough to think. i will stay in my room not because you said but i don't want to see you people disgusting people.
and you people better to prepare to face  ASR 
And saying that she return to house and come inside her room pick arnav photo hug his photo and start crying after crying she sleep on sofa in her position .
10 days leap
now it's the day when arnav is coming and khushi happiness has no bond but was worried how arnav will react that how family member react but she shrugged off all the thoughts.
khushi was standing in front of dressing when she feel dizziness but drink water and shrug off thinking that this is because she tired due to exams. she start wearing bracelet then when her sight went to burn marks on her wrist then a tears fall from her eyes thinking that how this family behave with her.
NEXT day when all came back from hospital with abhi all start ignoring khushi like she doesn't exist and eating their breakfast without even caring her but hp prepare her plate gave her breakfast. like this i week they behave like this but hp was always their because arnav before going ask hp to take care of khushi in his absence. but on 8th day hp has to go  to his village because his mother was ill. so seeing this maya trying full advantage  when on dinner time khushi came to take her dinner after when everyone eat their so maya by hiding from other throw all the food in dustbin so khushi couldn't able to eat and sleep like this. khushi came and see that no food is left so felt hurt but take one glass of milk and went to sleep.
on night day khushi went to college without eating her breakfast because everyone were eating and she was getting late. when she came on lunch time that time also maya left half roti and few morsel of sabzi. and at night time when khushi was preparing  food for her self then maya came to take milk so by excusing of boiling milk drop all glass of milk on khushi arms and khushi wrist burned cause of hot boiling milk. and again khushi didn't eat anything
khushi was walking to and fro waiting for arnav she wanted to go to airport to receive arnav but arnav denied her because of security issue and media also present so he didn't want that khushi face any difficult due to media. she was talking to herself that why arnav denied her then she hear arnav's car horn and run toward the main gate.
when she was running all  family were also present and were shocked to see her running like this.

she run and open the door that THE MIGHTY ASR stand with his aura and was about to ring the bell when she opened the door. she smile in tear and hugged her with such force that he step back two three steps and he also hug her tightly and smile seeing her how she come running toward him and said.
ASR , mera baccha my jaan missed me so much that she didn't wait me to come in.
she nodded with making pout and he chukkle seeing her behaviour and peck her pout in front of all. she again hugged him and start sobbing.
he become shocked that while ago she was smiling and now sobbing. So he picked her and sit on the sofa in hall ignoring other because now his first perioty  is stop his baby crying. he sat on sofa and make her sit on his lap and start pecking her hair , head to stop her crying and mono cuddling her and said.
ASR , hey baby sshh stop crying. what happen to my baby why she is crying like this. my baby know that na that her papa hate tear in his baby eyes so papa's baby and arnav's jaan wasting my precious pearls. hmm.

khushi , baby miss papa and arnav both and missed your cuddling and pampering and no one love me all are bad only you are best and love me the most all ignore me no one care for me like you do please don't leave me and go next time even if i m doing most important work then also you will take me.
arnav were shocked hearing her words and glare at his family that they shiver and then again said to khushi.
ASR , baby something happen in my absence anybody say anything to you aur harm you. saying this he caught her wrist by which she is catching his collar ripple to kiss her but she hiss by his touch and she become worried.
and when he saw her right wrist so there are burning mark on her and his eyes become red by anger and furry and start glaring his family. and if glaring kill someone then till now all family member have dead.
he was about to say something then khushi shrienk in pain and start crying loudly by holding her stomach.
ASR , khushi baby what happen is it paining in stomach.
khushi , arnav it paining very much arnav please do something this pain is killing me arnav hah arnav it's paining.(crying)
ASR , khushi baby relax take deep  breath we are going to hospital relax don't close your eyes baby please stop crying we are going.
After 15 min they reached hospital arnav start shouting for doctor. soon doctor came and take khushi to ward.
all were worried because if anything happen to khushi then arnav will not leave them and he will saw them hell.

precape : khushi in depression punishment for maya and raizadas

guys please vote also after reading the story and comment . and guys i m ending this story and there are only few part which are remaining. so i m try to write my next story on arrange marriage track so tell on which jodi i write this arrange marriage track


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