part 46

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Next day
Both arshi were ready to return to their penthouse from camp and Doing their breakfast when Arnav phone rang. He picked up his call seeing that it's from Aman.
ASR , khushi you complete your breakfast till then I talk to Aman ok.
Khushi , ok Arnav ji.
He kiss on her crown and went from their to talk to Aman.
Call conversation
ASR , yes Aman.
A , good morning ASR I call you to inform about out Switzerland's deal.
ASR , yes Aman tell.
A , we got that deal ASR and somehow they came to know that you are Switzerland so they invited u to their party of this deal.
ASR , ok Aman we will go in the party.
A , ok bye ASR.
Arnav cut the call and went to khushi to inform about the party.
ASR , khush aman call that we have to go in a party in the evening.
Khushi , ok Arnav ji we will go but why this sudden party.
ASR , jaan recently AR got Switzerland deal which profit is in millions and that client through a party that's why.
Khushi nodded and both return their house and rest for a while so that they look fresh in the party.
In the evening
Both were ready Arnav is wearing black tuxedo and looking like a Greek god and waiting for his Greek godess which is in the dressing room to be ready for the party. Then Arnav hear the opening door sound and was astonished by looking on his girl which was looking sinfully gorgeous and a girl who every men want.

 Then Arnav hear the opening door sound and was astonished by looking on his girl which was looking sinfully gorgeous and a girl who every men want

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And khushi condition is also same like Arnav

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And khushi condition is also same like Arnav . But then Arnav went towards khushi and said in her ear in whisper.
ASR , your u are looking like sinfully gorgeous that my idea to took you in the party is regretted now.
Khushi , you are also looking Greek god that every girl in the party see the possessive side of Mrs ASR.
Arnav laugh and said, you don't have to take tension jaan because this Arnav Singh raizada belong only to this khushi Arnav Singh raizada.
Khushi , and same applies here too.
ASR , now shall we go.
Khushi , we shall.
At party
All were waiting for ASR and his wife so that they can see the girl who is able to attract ASR.
But then a silence occupied when Mr and Mrs ASR arrived in the party and all men were jealous to see that such beauty is captivated by ASR and women were jealous that now there are no chance to attract ASR now.
Mr Williams , well come ASR I m happy by signing the deal with you.
ASR , same here Mr Williams and meet my wife khushi ASR.
Mr w, hello Mrs ASR.
And gave a hand to shake but khushi doesn't have her hand and said.
Khushi , hello you to Mr William and nice to meet you.
Mr w , come you both and enjoy the party.
Both came I and Arnav introduce khushi to many of his client and after 1 hour Arnav took khushi to counter and ask.
ASR , baby you need anything to drink or eat.
Khushi , no Arnav ji I m fine but getting bored it's like we came on to mourn on someone death.
Arnav laugh and said.
ASR , I know jaan you are not used to these parties but don't worry we are about to going out home.ok
Khushi nodded when they were about to go some one call ASR from back.
Girl , ASR.
Both turn saw a girl calling Arnav.
ASR , Sheena you .
Sh , yes ASR and how are you?
And hugg Arnav which make Arnav unfortable and khushi angry. Arnav broke the hug and said.
ASR , I m fine and meet my khushi.
Khushi , hello sheena.
Sh , hello khushi and fake smile
Just then from a waiter a drink fall on Arnav coat .
ASR , what the! Can't you see and walk .
Khushi , it's ok Arnie you go and you go and clean.
ASR , but jaan you.
Khushi , it's ok Arnav ji you go till then I will stay here.
Arnav excuse to Sheena and went.
Sh , so khushi in what profession you are?
Khushi , i m doing study in fashion designing  and in last semester.
Sh , oh so you are student.
Khushi , yes .
Sh , you know khushi me and ASR study in same uni and were in relationship for 2 years.
Khushi become shocked but she has full trust on her Arnav ji then said.
Khushi , no I don't know Sheena but if it is true then also I don't care because you are past of Arnav ji.
Sh , I know khushi but I  can feel your feeling when you are first of her husband and his ex standing in front of you talking to your husband.
Sh , you know khushi after break up when I and ASR met any of bussiness party then we used to cherish of our uni time nights when we used to make outs and in bussiness party we are also used to  make out but now this party he is with you so we can't do that.

Khushi was numbed after hearing that her trust on her Arnav still strong but she doesn't said any thing and stay mute.
Then Sheena taking the call went few steps away from their and speak loud so that khushi could hear that.
Sheena conversation on call
Sh , yes ASR.
Call , .....
Sh , oh ASR I don't know after marriage also you are interested to make out with me.
Call , ......
Sh , ok ASR you stay I m coming to the washroom.
Other side
Khushi was shocked to hearing the conversation of Sheena on phone but she decided to trust on Arnav ji and try to find the truth she follow Sheena.
But when she reached and toward washroom her breath stop by seeing her Arnav ji holding Sheena from her waist she holding him from his shoulder.
And only word escape from her mouth and her whole face is covered with tears.
Khushi , Arnav ji!
Said like whisper but due to slient in corridor he heared her voice looked toward her where she was standing in tears.
ASR, (come to khushi leaving Sheena smirking) , khush baby believe me what you saw is nothing. There is nothing between us when I was coming out she collide with me and in try to safe her from falling I hold her . He said everything by cupping his face.
Sh, ASR why are you kidding she knows everything that we were in relationship in uni and we used to make outs and after that we also and you called me here.
ASR , (angry) what rubbish are you talking we were never in relationship even we were not friend only our friend circle is common.
Sh , khushi you tell me you hear me talking on phone with ASR right and he called me here.
ASR , jaan plz believe me she telling all lie we never were and cutted by a slap sound and become shocked.
Yes Khushi slapped
Sheena. Yes Khushi slapped Sheena so tightly that her finger marked on her face and become.
Khushi , how dare you to blame my Arnav ji and telling me these shit about my Arnav ji to me. what you thought that all the shit you said to me about arnav ji I believe you no you are wrong I didn't believe your even one word. You saw I was shocked and numb so you start telling me lie. But no I was shocked to see how a girl stoop so low to make misunderstanding between me and Arnav ji. I saw you smirking when you saw that I was listening to your conversation but I followed you till here so that I can set your mind.
In all this Arnav was happy to see that his baby trust on him so much and again fall for her.
ASR , but jaan why are you crying you know na that I hate tears in your eyes.
Khushi , that tear was fake Arnav ji when I saw that she went doesn't see me so I put some drops of water in eyes so they look like real.
ASR , buy why? .
Khushi , because the act she pull with his cheap acting then how can I being Mrs ASR left behind so I also decided to act to put some spicy in the act so who was my acting Arnie. Asked with innocence.
Arnav laughed and pull her toward him and said.
ASR you are such cute devil baby girl I want to gobble you up. And kissed on her nose with which she giggled.
Then he put his ASR mask and turn toward Sheena and asked on dangerous voice.
ASR ,  so now miss Sheena raichand tell me the reason behind your this act.
Sh , sorry ASR I always want to become Mrs ASR from uni days but you didn't even looked at me but when in party I see you with your wife so I become jealous and wanted to become her place so I try so that she leave you and I impressed you with my skills.
ASR , huh so you thought you can replace my wife but sorry to burst your bubble that in this world no one has the power to replace my wife with their slutty skills and now you will see how it feel to mess with ASR.
Sh , no ASR plzz forgive me.
ASR , aww so sorry dear but it's to late. Come jaan let's go.
And both return to their house and sleep due to tiring day

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