[15] Selfish

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"What are you guys doing here?"

I actually jump back with surprise.

I look up at Tsunami and Riptide and their tangled hands and heat rushes to my face. I wonder if they heard it. God.

With a slightly shocked expression, Tsunami gives me her hand, which I stare at before I rise to my feet. "Why are you guys outside?"

That's it. Deathbringer's going to turn everything into a joke, and I can just imagine it: I just got a love confession from Scarlett Sister 1 before you guys came! Isn't that hilarious? But he doesn't say a word.

I'm too scared to look at his face.

"I was feeling- a little dizzy." My voice is too high, and my heart is tap dancing in my chest. "And De- he came outside with me." I'm staring at the floor with embarrassment.

"You are blushing so hard, I thought you finally got a confession from Deathbringer or something." Tsunami throws her head back and laughs, but her voice isn't natural either.

"NO!" My hands are shaking, so I hide them in my pocket. "I mean- we were just talking. Talk to you later- Deathbrinwhdian." I can't look at him. I can't even say his full name, and he doesn't correct my pronounciation.

Is that a bad sign?

"Glory, I have something to tell you." That's when I realize it- Tsunami's blushing. "Let's go inside. Are you okay now?"

I'm yelping random words. "Yes! Of course! Sjwifnekdnw!"

Her arm goes around my shoulder as she whispers into my ear. With her other hand, she's touching her blue hair unconsciously like it's the most beautiful thing in the world. "He kissed me in the backstage. Nobody was there, and we snuck out through the door."

At the word kiss, I feel myself blushing again. "Wow. Wow. That's nice. That's really nice."

"Are you okay?" Tsunami quickly looks at me, with fear in her blue eyes. "Is it your- cancer?"

"No!" My mind seems to come back with the word cancer. It really is a magic word. "It's just really hot around here. That's all." I gulp, trying to calm myself. It works partly. "Aren't you going to practice?"

"Nobody cares about this stupid play," Tsunami brushes off, which kind of hurts. Because a lot of people do. "Riptide is way more important."

I don't know if I agree. Everything's so blurry, so silent compared to my overly loud heartbeats. "I- did you hear anything before you came out?"

"Nope. Was it something important?" Tsunami is barely looking at me. She turns back to Deathbinger and Riptide. "Deathbringer, what were you guys talking about before we came out of the door?"

You can do this. You can freaking do this.

I slowly turn with Tsunami, my eyes looking at Riptide's shoes, and then Deathbringer's hoodie, and then his face.

"Nothing special," he says smoothly, a lazy grin on his face. It's nothing out of the ordinary. When Tsunami shrugs and turns back, I keep looking at him. And he notices it, which makes his expression twist to something else.

I can't breathe.

He's giving me The Look.


What did I do to deserve the Look?

"Glory! Are you listening to me?"

I look at her, and I realize that no, I haven't been listening to a word she has said the last twenty minutes. "Sorry, no."

Glorybringer AU ☆the fault in our stars☆Where stories live. Discover now