13. Wheel of Misfortune

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Kichou's throat dried. She's seeing nothing but black. All she felt was rage. She can't hear anything. Kakyoin's calls, Polnareff's pleas to snap off of it. She was trembling.

"Kiiyan! Mr. Joestar! Stay back! We're covered in gasoline as well."  Kakyoin was holding Mr. Joestar while Polnareff was shielding the motionless but trembling Kichou from the sight. Like a brother would to his sister.

"I win!"  The man inside the car laughs hysterically as Kichou Nohime anger was fueled. 

"You..." She growled as her stand appeared behind her, the oiran looking stand releasing an ominous aura. Suddenly, an arm extended from the ground. Surprising everyone.

" You didn't think it was gonna be your win, right?" Jotaro glared. 

"You dug a tunnel underground with Star Platinum! So the only thing burning was your jacket!" Wheel of Fortune understood how fucked he was. On the other hand, Polnareff notices Kichou visibly calm down as if it never happened. 

"By the way, didn't you say that there weren't any paths left to take? You were wrong! A path is something that you make yourself. That's why, I, Kujo Jotaro... Will show you how to build your own path!" Jotaro declared as Star Platinum rained his punches onto the guy.

Due to force, the stand user flew out of the other side. 

"Jotaro..." Everybody exclaimed but only Polnareff heard the "You reckless idiot" which came from the only woman of their team.

She looked at the guy who just, purely look weird. With large arms that doesn't really match his body. 

"What an odd character. His arms were so huge, and yet everything else is so small." Kakyoin remarked as Anne looked at the man. "Talk about bluff." He said disappointingly.

The man started quickly crawling like a wimp until he met a sword lodged on the ground by none other than the Oiran looking stand of Kichou.

"Oi, don't run away. I am not done with you yet." The female looked at him with glowing eyes of fury. The man squealed. 

"Don't kill me, I'm just in this for the money!" He pleaded. Kichou rolled her eyes as the rest of the company started laughing. A creaking was heard from the car in which the intimidating looking car shrunk into a small cheap looking one.

"Oh! So its such a small car disguising itself like a sheep being shaven. How pathetic." Mr. Joestar commented with a light hearted scoff. The rest of the gang laughed, in which Kichou and Jotaro smirked. 

"All of you are laughing until you realize that this is the only transportation we got to get out of this remote area." Kichou says rolling her eyes.

After tying up the stand user into a rock, the group had agreed to go through their bizarre adventure using the remaining resources they have, the beat up car. 

Upon driving off, Jotaro looks at Anne. "By the way, you are going to go back to Hong Kong in an airplane."

"Aw! Why?"

"Shut up! Don't you get that you're in the way?" Polnareff whined until a crash was heard from the card itself.

"Uh, we might not make it into our destination." Mr. Joestar tsked. 

"This will be a long walk." Kichou sighed.


"Don't touch me in weird places!" Anne screamed as Polnareff grabbed her by her arms. Kichou sighs.

"Don't put it like that, Anne. People might think otherwise." The woman sighed. Anne continued to struggle still wanting to tag along on this dangerous adventure. Kichou couldn't help but wonder, why was she here anyways?

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