14. Injustice

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"There's no blood at all,"  Kichou says her hands on her mouth, shocked. Polnareff's description did not help as he compared the corpse with a Tom and Jerry Cheese.

I am not eating cheese for a long time because of you Polnareff.

"Be careful, This probably means there are some new stand user among us." Jotaro warned looking around. 

"Everyone, lets take this jeep out of here!" Mr. Joestar says as he quickly ran onto a fence.

"Mr. Joestar, no!" Kichou says loudly. As Joseph pulls himself up before she could be skewered alive by the pointed fences. "OH SHIT!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, Grampa! What are you doing?!" Jotaro asked incredulously.

Joseph panted, just getting out of grave danger on time. "Oh god! What was I doing? Wasn't the jeep parked here?!" He asked.

"The jeep? The jeep is over there?" Polnareff pointed out the jeep just a few meters away from them.

"Huh? Just... Just then..." Joseph mutter trying to snap out of his hallucination.

So I wasn't the only one hallucinating then? Kichou says to herself.

A small shadow then appeared beneath the fog as an old woman approached them. "Are you travelers? It's dangerous to take a car in this weather. I own a hotel... If you don't mind, you can stay there for the night. I'll give you the group discount." She says reassuringly yet it did not reassure Kichou at all. 

"Hey hey! Finally someone normal!" Polnareff cheered, delighted to have a roof to sleep in tonight.

"I have to say, although there are no attackers. This town is still very strange. These cops don't even seem to care about a murder case as strange as this." Polnareff noted.

Kichou muttered under her breath. "Because as of this moment, we might be even under attack right now."

They looked at the corpse as the 'police' went in and carried the body away.

"Come! Come! That's my hotel over there Mr. Joestar."

Kichou glared at the old woman with suspicion.

"Mr. Joestar? How did you know his name?" Kichou says glaring at her. The men looked at each other as the old woman started sweating under the penetrative gaze of the only woman in the group.

"Come on Mister. Didn't that sir over there call him Mr. Joestar?" The old woman quickly alibi.

"Eh! Me? I... uhh. Maybe I did? Maybe not?" Polnareff says.

Kichou could still remember their conversation by a heartbeat due to her sharp memory. And she was sure nobody has called anybody's name since they arrived here... This old woman is a stand user.

"You did. I've been in tis business for a long time. It's easy for me to remember people's names! It's true." Jotaro gazed at the woman's alibi. 

"By the way, what happen to your left hand?" Polnareff asked. 

"Oh this? I burnt myself... I'm getting old I accidentally spilled hot water on myself." The old lady laughed off. 

Kichou wiggled her small hands enough to touch Jotaro's palm and once being able to access his palm by her index finger, she wrote on his skin. 'Beware. Old. Woman. Stand. User'

Polnareff and the old lady laughed out loud getting along together.


"Oh, it's not that bad." Mr. Joestar says looking around the lobby of the hotel.

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