07. Pervy Orangutan

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The sun blazed on its highest peak and nobody's happy with it. Everybody was sitting in the emergency boat as the Dark Blue Moon stand user had planted explosives on the ship. It doesn't help them a lot as Kichou shivered under the harsh sun and cold wind with a weak expression on her face.

Kakyoin had already tore the sleeves of her turtleneck long sleeves to wrap bandages on her arms which has shallow to deep cuts due to the battles. She was sitting across him which made him stare over the girl.

"Jotaro, can you feel Kiiyan's forehead for me? She's getting a bit red for some reason." Kakyoin asked as Jotaro just quietly obliged, the girl saved him after all in some ways more than once.

"Yare yare daze." He muttered as he felt the female's forehead a bit hot for a regular human temperature. Without telling Kakyoin anything, he stripped off his coat and covered the girl.

Kichou woke up from Jotaro's movements as she noticed him taking off his coat. Did he get to hot? She question as she tried to catch some sleep. Honestly speaking, she was not feeling well after the fight but she had to fight the illness to continue the journey. She had to help in saving Holly.

Jotaro then nudged her to wake her up. "Yare, yare daze." He says as the eyes of the crusaders including the stowaway girl named Anne who was internally feeling giddy as if she was watching a romance soap opera. They were focused towards Jotaro. Kichou wordlessly accepted his black customized Gakuran and wore it mumbling a soft Thank you.

As they thought the wholesome view ended there, suddenly Jotaro plopped his cap on the silverette's head. Earning a surprise choke from the Old Joestar. Jotaro glared at his grandfather who just whistled, acting as if he hadn't seen anything.


Kichou continued her feverish slumber as the other's looked around the abandoned ship that has appeared out of nowhere. Kakyoin offered to carry her on his back in which Jotaro responded "Do what you want."

Suddenly, that vile flip on her guts as she sensed something evil on the ship. Suddenly, the hook of the ship equipment moved.

"Abdul, Kakyoin! Behind you! That sailor is in danger!" Mr. Joestar called out as the hook slammed through the head of the said sailor. With the gruesome scene, Kichou jumped off Kakyoin's back as he sent Heirophant to search the ship.

Kichou had a terrible migraine but she stood there as if she was feeling well, with the exception of her very flushed cheeks. She summoned The Oiran to play some kind of tune that would ease her headache.

"I don't understand... Heirophant Green looked through everything, but couldn't find anything out of ordinary. Inside all the pipes, cracks, every inch of the ship and still nothing..." Kakyoin informed to the group. Kichou's frowned further deepen. The air waves being produced by the melody of The Oiran's koto sounded as foul as the ship emitted something menacing. Kichou couldn't put her finger where it came from but she believed they are in grave danger.

Kichou continued to stand by the porch of the ship as Polnareff approached her.

"Are you okay, Kiiyan?" The silver haired French asked as he noticed the girl being out of it.

Kichou frowned deeply as her eyes darted from every part of the ship from her perspective. "There's something wrong but I don't know what." She cautiously said as Polnareff looked at the girl. She didn't wait for him to go answer as she decided to accompany the little stowaway who was with them.


While lounging around the ship, Kichou couldn't feel at ease as she tried to sleep all the tiredness in her body. She was in the wash room as the sailors were in the next room huddling together. She wasn't handling her condition well as she quickly pulled medicine from her waterproof belt bag and popped it in her mouth.

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