15. Paramour

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|| Warning: This chapter may contain acts of Sexual Harassment. Please proceed with caution ||

"Ah! Shish Kebab!"

"Finally! Food!" Kichou exclaimed jumping off the carriage. 

"We should eat first, I have been hearing Kiiyan's stomach rumbling for a while now." Mr. Joestar joked in which Kichou blushed.

"Mr. Joestar!" The young girl pouted in which the old man laughed.

Mr. Joestar went haggling in as Kichou went for another store to buy something called Bun Kabab. Shortly returning, with a dead Enyaba and the crusaders ganging up with a guy who had a smug smirk. 

Kichou is trying to hold her temper at this point. Every fucking time she needs to eat, some stand user appears.


"Hey asshole! Stop pretending you're calm. I'll punch you even if you don't fight back." Jotaro declares.

"Please... You cannot touch me." The man who Kichou doesn't know arrogantly says. Jotaro recklessly released Star Platinum as it punched the man. In which shocked many since as if the blow ricochet to Mr. Joestar.

"You fool, I want done explining. You almost killed your own grandfather." Kichou ran to Mr. Joestar to help him up. "Listen... You think I just showed myself in front of you people just to kill Enyaba?"

"You said your stand is The Lovers. What the hell is that?" Mr. Joestar asked as Kichou assisted him. He had obtained the same wounds as the man. 

"The battle has already begun, Mr. Joestar." The man declared.

"What a bunch of fools! I doesn't matter how hard you tried, you won't find my stand." The man then proceeded to pay up the kid in which the kid gladly accepted with money. Hitting him in the leg, Mr. Joestar felt the same pain, if not 5 times more than the man who owned the stand. 

"It's a self destructive stand with a recoil effect." Kichou says. 

"Bingo! The beautiful lady is even more perceptive than the four of you combined." The man says. He then proceed to explain the scopes of his stand, purposely leaving out its limits. Kichou busied herself assisting Mr. Joestar.

"In ten minutes, your brain is going to be devoured and you're going to die like Enya."

Enraged, Jotar curled his fist attempting to punch the stand user. In which Kakyoin and Kichou sprung to action. This proves that Jotaro was frustrated in this situation as he was unable to do anything about it. "Jotaro, be calm! Don't do anything stupid!" 

"No! I will make him feel nothing and kill him in a blink of an eye!" Jotaro says enraged.

"Jotaro! Please! This isn't helping." Everyone can hear Kichou trying to talk sense to her... friend.

"Kill me in a blink of an eye? Ha! That's a good one. Why don't you do that Jotaro. Sounds good! What are you going to hit?..." The man continued to irritate Jotaro. 

"Stop acting like you're the king! I will do it!" Joaro grabbed the man, choking Mr. Joestar in process.

"Jotaro! Calm down!" Kakyoing argued as Heirophant and The Oiran held Star Platinum's Arm and body respectively. For a smaller stand, the Oiran has some mad grip.

"You've already seen his ability! You want to kill your own grandfather?" Kakyoin asked. 

"You are the one acting like a king." The man declared. Gaining an upper hand, the dark haired stand user punched Jotaro in the gut which shocked everyone was the strong teen curled in pain.

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