08. Uncalled For

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"Avdol, we are finally going to cross India, but the thing is... I'm a little worried." Mr. Joseph grinded his teeth as he tried to put his worries into words. He heard terrible things in India and it was affecting his concentration on this crusade.

Kichou on the other hand was frowning over her half awaken state and was gripping on to whoever was near her which is Jotaro. She looked out of it and dazed as she just swallowed one of the prescribed medicine for her infected wounds. Well, the doctor did said that the medicine will make her wounds heal faster. She should've rested back in Singapore.

"Those are false rumors! You don't have to worry. This is a fine country, full of nice people." Avdol says with a wry smile on his face. "Also, can someone carry or hold Kiiyan while we are on it?" He joked as Kichou got startled over Avdol calling over her.

"Sorry, I feel tipsy with the medicine. I'm fine tho." She sluggishly grinned.

She was about to go to Kakyoin since she's more comfortable with the cherry-loving fella over the brooding Jotaro. Not that she's not comfortable with him but she's worried that he would get annoyed over her circumstances.

Yet a hand quickly wrapped over her wrist. Jotaro's hand.

"It's better if you're going with someone taller than you, woman." Jotaro says. Kichou kept her eyes down, avoiding Jotaro's own ocean blue ones. She feels like she was burdening Jotaro with her presence around him. After all he was the one hell bent into dissuading her not to join the Journey to the point where he tried to attack her with Star Platinum. [See Chapter 04]

"W-Well, I'll be going with Polnareff." She smiled politely as Polnareff became fussy about protecting her like the night in shining armor he is.

Her damn polite smile... It was what Jotaro used to remind of her when they were still at school but now, it annoys him as much as the squeals of the girls frolicking on him back home. He doesn't usually care but it seems that he was wrong.

When they got out of the train, it was hot, humid and absolutely crowded as the people started to bombard them whether asking for a change, something about Indian oils, tattoos and hooking up with a girl?

There are only a few of many things that Kichou could describe and it wasn't helping her semi-tipsy state due to the medicine. She tried to grip to Polnareff's arm but for some reason he went missing from her side.

With all the pushing and pulling, she became a bit dizzy as she swayed back and forth. Not until her eyes widen as she was pulled out of the crowd by none other than...

Jean Pierre Polnareff.

"You looking for your tall, handsome brooding prince?" Polnareff smirked as the silverette rolled her eyes.

"You stepped in a cow dung." She said as Kakyoin came over the two silver haired people in the group.

"Eugh! I just stepped in cow dung." Polnareff finally noticed as Kakyoin patted his butt pockets. "Someone's taken my wallet."

Kichou put her hand into her forehead in exhaustion. "You asked me to put it on my bag, remember?"

Kakyoin widen his eyes in realization as he smiled. "Oh..." Kichou rolled her eyes over the overreacting men. India isn't so bad at all... It was lively perse... If only she wasn't unsteady with the medicines they gave her.

"Isn't it wonderful? This is what makes it such a great country!"


"You just got to get used to it." Avdol says over lunch as they wait for their food. Kichou was now feeling a bit better now as Kakyoin have already changed her bandages. Not really that better but she felt like she just woke up from a hangover.

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