18. Rockabye Baby on the Cessna

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It's hot... Water... Anything... 

Kichou licked her lips one more as she heard the men talk. 

"I'm okay... I was halfway through the Emerald Splash, then it protected itself. I only got scratched up a little. But it's still so damn hot! I'm gonna pass out soon." Kakyoin says.

Kichou was now quietly panting. "This is too powerful to be a long ranged stand. There has to be something..." Kichou says.

Mr. Joestar asked for the binoculars from Jotaro to look around when suddenly he got attacked once more, destroying the binoculars in process.

"SON OF A BITCH! Where is he?! How does he see us! Is the user some kind of invisible man!?"

"Kiyaan... Look at that rock..." Kakyoin whispered to her. Kichou followed his line of sight. "There is the same rock on that side..." He says laughing. 

Kichou's eyes widens... Of course!

Kakyoin started giggling, laughing at the very simple strategy the enemy used. They were thinking to hard when the answer is very simple!

Kichou laughed out loud following the cherry haired man. 

"He, Kakyoin, Kichou... What's going on?" Mr. Joestar asked. Kakyoin hysterically laughed as Jotaro was looking at Kichou. Mouthing at the two.

"Mirrored rocks" She says quietly over Kakyoin's laughter. Jotaro followed suit laughing. in which Kichou was a little bit startled.

What a lovely laugh...

Kichou giggled while not later, Polnareff followed suit. Admittedly, its a very dumb thing to laugh at but they were being stupid themselves. Kichou had tears on her eyes laughing.

"Hey, Jotaro! Cool down! Stop it!" 

Kichou could see the panicked stricken face of Mr. Joestar which makes it even more hilarious. 

"Please don't take it the wrong way, Mr. Joestar. Look at that rock over there. Isn't it big enough to hide a man behind?" Kakyoin says. 

"So what?" Joseph asked still not getting the point.

Kichou giggled. "Check out the rock to the right of it." She says as the elderly man followed the woman's pointed hand.

"You still don't get it? On the other side, there is a rock the same size and shape with the shadow pointing in the opposite direction that means...." Jotaro says making a point as he summons star platinum to throw a rock at the mirror.

"Go get em' Jotaro." Kichou cheered.

Mr. Joestar was shocked to see a hole on the mirror. The day turned into night as the temperature dropped. They decided to check on the stand user.

"Woah. Behind this mirror is pretty comfortable. Its even got an air conditioning." Kakyoin marvelled. 

"So we've taken care of this guy now?! Its over? We don't even know what his name is. We took the sun stand this easily?" Mr. Joestar asked. 

"The Sun Card's stand. He had a strong stand but once his trick was revealed. He is just another stupid guy." Jotaro says. 

"Hey, that wasn't nice. When Avdol got me to picked the Card, I picked The Sun card which technically means my stand is a Sun stand." Kichou says pouting. 

"Oh you haven't named your stand properly yet?" Kakyoin asked. 

"Well... it'd be nice if I stick to The Oiran since its what I usually call her." She says with a smile. 

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