21. If you don't know who to trust, then trust me.

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"You are all cruel. You are all cruel beyond measure." Kichou exasperated as Mr. Joestar and Kakyoin chucked. 

The woman initially did not approved pranking the poor Polnareff but since everyone is on board, she has no choice. Besides, Polnareff has a loud mouth and may reveal the secret.

"Come in. Come in! Pleasant to see you, Kichou." Avdol says patting the woman on her shoulders. "Do you want some tea?" Avdol asked.

"Yes please, if you don't mind." Mr. Joestar says. 

As the remaining crusaders sat around Avdol's temporary household for the past weeks.

Kichou puts the envelop and stares at it for a while.

"You know, whatever happens, we are not going to think you're the enemy. You've never led us to danger nor harmed us for the past few weeks nor ever since we met you." Mr. Joestar reassures as he empathized on the young adult. Kakyoin and Jotaro watched in silence.

Kakyoin more with confusion. Kichou opens the envelop and reads the contents of the said document by her eyes.


"I hate it." Kichou says slowly. The rest of the crusaders looked at Kichou.

"I hate being related to that man. I hate that he already claimed my destiny just being a part of his descendants." She says, finally ripping the paper into smaller pieces.

Jotaro looked at Kichou quiet unsure of how he felt but his face never betrayed him. He looked stoic as ever. 

"Then claim it back." Jotaro says. Kichou looks at Jotaro with wide eyes.

"Claim your destiny back and prove you are more than DIO's descendant." He says. 

Kichou looks at Jotaro for a moment and nodded. It reassured her at least. She always wondered how she got into this bizarre adventures with these men. And as it turns out, she had a purpose indeed.

"Wait wait... Isn't it a little too far fetched? If Dio died in 1868 and he used Mr. Joestar's grandfather's body, does that mean we are related." Kichou asked. Avdol arrived with the black tea they asked.

"Not likely." Avdol says. "I already looked into your case, Kichou while I was away. Dio, who still had his body at that time, had a child with a human Cordelia Edevane. Your mother is a half vampire. When Cordelia gave birth to your mother, it was reported that her unborn baby was eating her inside. And so, at the brink of death, Dio turned Cordelia into a vampire. Which may explain how your mother survived for a very long time. She might be around her 80s or 90s when she had you."

"So now I'm a half vampire?" Kichou deadpanned.

Mr. Joestar and Avdol shrugged. While Kichou sighed. "Are there any others?" The woman asked.

"Other?" Avdol tried to clarify.

"Other people connected to him." She asked. 

Mr. Joestar frowned. "There are few yet they are more or less a Joestar than a Brando."

Kichou sighed standing up. "I need a breather. She says informing the others."


Night time has already arrived as the stars decorated the sky. What a peaceful night. If Kichou could only apreciate. A luke warm glass was pressed on to Kichou's cheeks. Looking at the person, she sees Jotaro.

"Ah, its you." Kichou says receiving  the glass of water.

Jotaro stood beside her grunting. "Everyone is worried."

Kichou finished her water and looked down. "Sorry... I just felt like... I have been lied my whole life. I don't even know who I am anymore... Or who to trust."

"Trust me."

Kichou choked a bit looking at Jotaro. "What?"

"Yare Yare Daze. If you don't know who to trust, then trust me." he says clarifying his initial statement.

"But--" Kichou says alarmingly.

Jotaro looks at her in the eyes. A bit intensely with a raw emotion Kichou had never seen on him before. "You are not an enemy." He says. 

Kichou nodded. Her eyes came to look at his huge hand. Looking back at her hand she looks at his hand once more. 

"Hey, Jojo... Can I hold your hand?" She boldly asked. A bit too boldly as she realized what she was asking. Getting shy under Jotaro's gaze, she lifted her eyes towards the grass for no reason. The grass seems more interesting now.

"Give me your hand." Jotaro asked. Kichou looked at him and unsurely gave her hand. 

Jotaro received her hand with his, his calloused hands covering her soft feminine hands. He rubbed his thumb on her the palm of her hands. He felt... calm and safe when he held her hand. He felt like he can conquer the world. 

Jotaro stared at their hand for too long as if it was alien to him. Which earned a giggle from Kichou.

"Hey, I wonder how your fangirls will react if I told them I held hands with you." She says.

Jotaro smirked. "I wonder how YOUR fanboys would react if  I told them I held hands with you." He retorted.

They went quiet for a while. 

"Jotaro, after this trip. When we defeat DIO, I wonder how our lives will work out." Kichou asked with wonder twinkling in her eyes.

Jotaro grunted, he wondered too. 

"We'll go back to Japan. Back to school." He says. Kichou snorted. 

"School is boring!" The woman says chuckling. Jotaro smiles. "I agree."

"Hey, we should skip classes sometime and go to an arcade. Then we can eat at the roof top. I know its kind of forbidden to go there but, well, we've done a lot of stuff recently." Kichou says comfortably.

Jotaro grunted in reply.

"Ne! I should cook food for you and Kakyoin. What's your favorite food, Jotaro?" Kichou asked.

Jotaro adjusted his cap covering his face. Mumbling something.

"What? I can't hear you." Kichou asked wondering why he was getting shy all of a sudden.

"I said anything my mom makes." Kichou's eyes widen while she blushed. She didn't know Jotaro was such a sweet man.

Kichou sighed jokingly. "Ahh, I'm defeated if its Seiko-san's cooking. Do you think she will teach me her secrets?" She asked.

Jotaro frowned jokingly. "Yare yare daze, Slow down. I might not want to let you go if you try to copy my mom's cooking."

Kichou smirked mischievously. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" She asked.

Jotaro shrugged. "Depends on how you see it?"

"I decide that I will see it as a good thing." Kichou finalized with a smiled. 

"Yare yare daze."  

~End of Book 1~

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~End of Book 1~

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