12. Wheel of Fortune

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There were several things that made Kichou one of the most bizarre woman they have ever met. She was brave, smart, strong and really, really, really sensitive.

Kakyoin sighed over the silver haired woman who heaved all of the contents of her breakfast all over the side of the pitstop. Her stomach didn't do well on the 360 degree flip that their car did a while ago.

"Hey, is Kiiyan going to be okay?" Polnareff asked worried with their female companion.

"Nah, she will be. Just give her time." Joseph shrugged. Jotaro looked at the female as his other companion went to the pitstop house. Before Anne could go along with them, he pulled her aside as he hand her a handkerchief.

"Are you..." Anne trailed as Jotaro grunted. "Just give it to her."

Kiiyan spat the remaining bile on her mouth as Oiran stood guard behind her. Anne quietly made her way to the female as she spoke.

"Jotaro told me to give this hankie. You might need it." Anne says. Kiiyan wordlessly accepted as she wiped the remaining saliva on her lips. Disgusting.

I'm going to catch that bastard and I'm going to vomit onto him. She thought as she glared at nothing. From her peripheral vision, she noticed the familiar red car she was loathing a couple of seconds ago.

Kichou started stomping onto the car as Jotaro and the others where trying to pic a fight from the bystanders, trying to figure out who the driver was. As the white haired woman reached the car, it started it's engine and sped into the next life as it left Kichou... Who was really pissed.

"Did you see his face?" Mr. Joestar asked.

"No, not at all." Kichou answered.

"All I saw was his arm." Kakyoin also added.

Back in the car, Kichou was really seething. The others can imagine her ears emitting fumes. 

"What do you think he wants?" Kakyoin asked. "He's not ambushing us... Nor is he directly challenging us. He may look like a crazy driver , but it seems he bears a particular animosity towards us."

"It was quite reckless of you to go near that car alone." Jotaro turned to Kichou who just rolled her eyes. 

As they were zooming out, Kakyoin notices that the guy was leading them to an unfamiliar path as the terrains didn't match to what was in the map.

"Who cares? We're gonna catch up to him soon anyway!" Polnareff reassured.

The car drifted right as they followed until they were greeted with a steep cliff. A dead end. 

"He's gone?! Where is he? Has he gone around another corner? A car couldn't have possibly crossed that bridge!" Kakyoin was either thinking loudly by this point or he was trying to be the narrator. Either way, Kichou turned around to see...


The red car slammed onto the back of the car. Joseph held Anne while Jotaro unconsciously held Kichou.

"He's hitting us from behind!" Joseph exclaimed.

"I can't believe it. There is only one road! How did he get behind us?! WE'RE BEING PUSHED OVER!"

Everyone was panicking especially Polnareff. Not until the final push happen. The car toppled over the ground until suddenly we were danggling with Heirophant Green holding us from our deaths.

"Kak, remind me to kiss Heirophant Green later." 

"Kakyoin, stop! Your Heirophant may stretch on to very long lengths but it can't possibly support our weight. It's going to be torn apart!" Mr. Joestar reminded.

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